Well I've never played the mod, but from the PBEM reports it looks like fun, although I don't understand most of what people are talking about
Right now I'm looking more for a single player experience, so I'd like to ask the veterans what would be nice to begin with. FFH2 or a modmod (I guess EitB is more aimed at MP)? Also I fancy a nice scenario (or campaign?), moreso if there's a good story in it.
thanks inadvance
One Night Werewolf - Need only few ppl, 10min, But it's Werewolf GAME
One night, the small village was exposed to the threat of a Werewolf. The werewolf has attacked every night, and there are only a few people left. Find the werewolf from the village people, and restore peace.
"One Night Werewolf" is easy party game. Players are divided into man and wolf team, and fight using guess, lie, and persuasion each other.
One Night Werewolf is an simple Werewolf variant that only has one night and one day. Players will be given one of the roles in the game (there are always three extra roles called the Reserve that are 'in play' but not assigned to any player, so players are left guessing what exactly everyone's role is) and asked to perform a night action, if applicable. The order of the night actions will be described below. These night actions include things like looking at other players' roles, swapping other players' roles, and stealing other players' roles. See the rolelist below for specific things that will happen in the night. After the initial night phase is finished, the players will then have 48 hours to discuss what happened during the night. Then a vote will occur in secret (players will Private Message the GM their votes) of who they wish to kill (you may not vote for yourself) and the GM will calculate up the votes. Whoever gets the most votes is lynched (all tied players will be lynched).
Possible Roles
Village Team:
Seer - The Seer may look either at one other player’s card or at two cards from the Reserve (you must specific which two cards you want to look at: Left, Center, or Right).
Masons - When using the Masons always put both Masons in the game. The Mason wakes up at night and looks for the other Mason. If the Mason doesn’t see another Mason, it means the other Mason card is in the center.
Robber - The Robber may choose to rob a player, and switch roles with that player. The Robber sees his new role, and is on the team of the role he takes. The Robber can choose to not rob.
Troublemaker - The Troublemaker may choose to switch the roles of two other players without seeing the roles.
Drunk - The Drunk must swap out their Drunk role with one of the three Reserve cards (Left, Center or Right). They do not get to look at this new role.
Doppelgänger - This card is by default part of the Villager team, but will potentially become another role. If a player is holding it at night, they will wake up before anyone else and select another player. They then view that player's role and become whatever role they viewed. So now there could be three Werewolves, or two Minions. They will then perform the night action associated with that role immediately. So it could be the case that the Doppelganger's Troublemaker happens, then the Seer gets a look, then a second Troublemaker swap occurs. As always, if the night action is optional, the Doppelganger will get the choice to use their power or not. If they become a Wolf, they will wake up with the other Wolves. If they are a Minion, they will be told who the Wolves are, just like the normal Minion will.
Insomniac: The Insomniac wakes up last and looks at their card (to see if it has changed). Only use the Insomniac if the Robber and/or the Troublemaker are in the game.
Hunter - If the Hunter dies, whoever the Hunter voted for also dies.
Villager - The Villager has no special abilities. They win with the Villager team.
Werewolf Team:
Werewolf - The Werewolves know each others' identity, or if they are a Lone Wolf. If they are a Lone Wolf, they are allowed to look at one of the Reserve cards (Left, Center, or Right).
Minion - The Minion knows who the Werewolves are. The Minion wins if the Werewolves win. If the Minion dies and no Werewolves die, the Werewolves (and the Minion) win. If no players are Werewolves, the Minion wins as long as one other player (not the Minion) dies.
Tanner Team:
Tanner - The Tanner hates their job so much that they want to die. If the Tanner dies, all other players lose and the Tanner wins. This is the only way the Tanner may win.
There will be three more roles than there are number of players. The roles that do not get passed out will be put in what is called Reserve. For example, if there are 7 players, we will have 10 roles in the game, with 3 in the reserve.
Win Conditions
- the Villager Team wants to ensure at least one Werewolf is lynched
- the Werewolf Team wants to ensure no Werewolves are lynched
- the Tanner wants to ensure that the Tanner is lynched (which causes all others to lose)
But what if... :
- if both Werewolf cards are in the Reserve, the Villagers must instead lynch the Minion
- if all of the Evil team's cards are in the Reserve, the Villagers must ensure that no player receives more than one vote each (signifying that they are voting for no kill; you may ignore the Tanner's vote for this)
Order of Night Actions
The Order of Night Actions:
#1: Doppelgänger
#2: Werewolves
#3: Minion
#4: Masons
#5: Seer
#6: Robber
#7: Troublemaker
#8: Drunk
#9: Insomniac
The game can play anywhere from 3-10 players. I will come up with a good mix of which roles will be included based on the number of players who sign up, though players can request including/not including roles if there's any they feel strongly about.
Also since players at the end of the last game mentioned that the game might have been better served if the day wasn't a full 48 hours long, I think I"ll allow players to say End Day at any time after the initial 24h, and when all players have voted to end day I'll go ahead and close the thread and have people give their votes to me.
One Night Werewolf is a Werewolf variant that only has one night and one day. It retains that werewolf feel while taking less time, and adding a bit of logic puzzle-like deduction.
Pregame: The GM will select a number of roles to be present in the game, equal to the number of players + 3 extra. Players will be randomly assigned an role, that carries an alignment with it. The roles that are not assigned are put into the Reserve. For example, if there are 7 players, there will be 10 roles in the game, with 3 in the Reserve.
Night: All players will be PMed their starting role. Some players will be asked to perform a night action, which includes things like looking at other players' roles, swapping other players' roles, stealing other players' roles, or looking at roles in the Reserve that no player possesses. Other players with no actions will just be asked to confirm their role. All night action orders sent back will be resolved in the order that the roles are listed in below.
Note: A lot of roles can switch other players' roles. If your role is switched, you do not get to view your new role at the end of the night, unless told otherwise. Your new role is all aspects your new role, which could give you a different win condition than the one you started with.
Day: After all Night actions/confirmation are received, the game will enter the Day period for the players to discuss what happened during the night and who they think is a good guy, bad guy, etc. The day will default to 48 hours long (72 hours if more than 8 players), but the players may unanimously vote to end the day early.
At the conclusion of the Day, the players will secretly cast an elimination vote. You must vote for another player, or for "No Elimination". You may send in your vote before the end of the Day or after the end of the Day, and you may change your vote as long as the Day isn't over, or as long as all votes have not been received.
Once a vote is received from every player, the player who has received the most votes is eliminated. If multiple players tie for receiving the most votes, all tied players are eliminated.
- the Villager Team wins if at least one Werewolf is eliminated
- the Werewolf Team wins if no Werewolves are eliminated
- the Tanner wins if the Tanner is eliminated (which causes all others to lose)
But what if... :
- if both Werewolf roles are in the Reserve, the Villagers must instead eliminate the Minion
- if all of the Evil team's roles are in the Reserve, a majority of the players must vote for "No Elimination" for the Village to win.
One Night Ultimate Werewolf Complete Role List:
These Roles are sorted by the Order of Night Actions; all Night roles will be executed in the order they appear in this list.
Sentinel - The Sentinel may choose a player and gives their role a Shielded status. During the night, no one may view or move a shielded role, even the player that owns that role.
Doppelgänger - The Doppelgänger must view another player's role. They then become a copy of whatever role they viewed. They will then perform the night action associated with that role immediately (Except for the Insomniac/Revealer/Curator, which happens after those roles' normal action slot). As always, if the night action is optional, the Doppelganger will get the choice to use their new power or not. If they become a Wolf, they will wake up with the other Wolves. If they are a Minion, they will be told who the Wolves are, just like the normal Minion will. If their role is investigated later in the night, it will still show as a Doppelgänger.
Werewolf (Up to two plain Werewolves) - The Werewolves (Including Alpha or Mystic Wolf) will learn each others' identity, or if they are a Lone Wolf. If they are a Lone Wolf, they may view one of the Reserve roles (First, Second, or Third).
Alpha Wolf- When playing with the Alpha Wolf role, an unused wolf role is randomly selected by the GM and put in the Reserve as the Fourth Reserve role. The Alpha Wolf may exchange that Fourth Role with another non-Wolf's role. The Fourth role will be available for other players to view or move just as the other Reserve roles.
Mystic Wolf - The Mystic Wolf may view one other player's role.
Minion - The Minion will learn who the Werewolves are. The Minion wins if the Werewolves win. If the Minion is eliminated and no Werewolves are eliminated, the Werewolves (and the Minion) win. If no players are Werewolves, the Minion wins as long as he is not eliminated.
Apprentice Tanner- The Apprentice Tanner will learn who started the Night as the Tanner, and wins if the Tanner is eliminated. If no other player is a Tanner, the Apprentice Tanner wins if the Apprentice Tanner is eliminated.
Masons - The Masons will learn the identity of the other Mason, or that the other Mason role is in the Reserve. If one Mason is added, the second Mason must be added to the game as well.
The THING - The THING may choose another player. That player is told at the end of the night that the player with The THING started the night as The THING.
Seer - The Seer may look either at one other player’s role or at two roles from the Reserve (you must specific which two roles you want to view: First, Second, or Third).
Apprentice Seer - The Apprentice Seer may look either at one role from the Reserve (First, Second, or Third).
Paranormal Investigator - The Paranormal Investigator may view one or two other player's roles, one at a time. If he views a Werewolf or Tanner role, he stops looking at roles, and becomes a Werewolf or Tanner for the rest of the game. If his role is investigated later in the night, it will still show as a Paranormal Investigator.
Robber - The Robber may choose to rob a player, and switch roles with that player. The Robber views his new role, and is on the team of the role he takes. The Robber can choose to not rob.
Witch - The Witch may view one of the roles in the Reserve. If she does, she must switch that role with another player's role, without looking at the second role.
Troublemaker - The Troublemaker may choose to switch the roles of two other players without seeing the roles.
Village Idiot - The Village Idiot may shift all of the roles in play, except his own or a Shielded role, one slot "up" or "down". Up and Down will be determined by the order that players sign up in.
Aura Seer - The Aura Seer will learn the names of every other player that looked at or moved any role before the Aura Seer's turn in the Order of Night Actions. This does not include the Werewolves faction ability of being told who other Werewolves are.
Drunk - The Drunk must swap out their Drunk role with one of the three Reserve roles (First, Second, or Third). The Drunk does not get to view this new role.
Insomniac: The Insomniac must wake up and view their card (to see if it has changed).
Squire - The Squire will learn the identity of every player who started the Night as a Werewolf, and the roles that those players currently possess at the time of the Squire's action in the Order of Night Actions. If no players started the Night as a Werewolf, the Squire wins if the Squire is not eliminated at the end of the Day.
Beholder - The Beholder will learn the names of any players who started the Night as the Seer or Apprentice Seer. Additionally, the Beholder will learn the roles those players currently possess at the time of the Beholder's action in the Order of Night Actions.
Revealer - The Revealer may choose a player's role, and that role will be made public upon the start of the Day. If the role is a Werewolf or a Tanner, the role will not be made public, but the Revealer will be told what the role is.
Curator - The Curator may choose a player, including himself, and give that player a random Artifact. That player will view that Artifact at game start, and everyone else will learn that that player has an Artifact, just not what it is. Artifacts are listed below, and once viewed take immediate effect.
That is the full list of roles with Night actions. The following roles have no Night actions.
Villager (up to 3 plain Villagers) - The Villager does nothing at Night. The Villager has no special abilities. They win with the Villager team.
Hunter - The Hunter does nothing at Night. If the Hunter is eliminated, whoever the Hunter voted for is also eliminated.
Tanner- The Tanner does nothing at Night. The Tanner wins by being Eliminated. If the Tanner is eliminated, all other players lose and the Tanner wins. This is the only way the Tanner may win.
Dream Wolf - The Dream Wolf does nothing at Night. The Dream wolf is a wolf, wins with the wolves, but does not learn who the other wolves are. Other wolves will know who the Dream Wolf is.
Bodyguard - The Bodyguard does nothing at Night. At the end of the Day, the Bodyguard's vote does not count when determining who has been eliminated. Instead, whoever the Bodyguard votes for is protected from elimination by voting.
Prince - The Prince does nothing at Night. Elimination votes for the Prince do not count when calculating who is eliminated.
Cursed - The Cursed does nothing at Night. By default, the Cursed wins with the Villager team. However, if any Wolf votes for the Cursed, the Cursed will become a Werewolf and join the Werewolf team.
Claw of the Werewolf - You are now a Werewolf, with no additional abilities.
Brand of the Villager - You are now a Villager, with no additional abilities.
Cudgel of the Tanner - You are now a Tanner, with no additional abilities.
Void of Nothingness - No Effect.
Mask of Muting - You may only post in the thread images or gifs. These images may not contain any letters or numbers. If you break this rule, you exit this game with a loss.
Cap of Copying - You may only post in the thread quotes of entire posts that other people have made. You may not quote posts of less that 10 words. If you break this rule, you exit this game with a loss.
Bow of the Hunter - You are now a Hunter who wins with the Village.
Cloak of the Prince - You are now a Prince who wins with the Village.
Sword of the Bodyguard - You are now a Bodyguard who wins with the Village.
Sorry to make a thread about this, but I can't for the life of me find the posted Adventures and their starting save files. I see that the Tournament Reports have their own forum, but all I can find there are people's reports about their games. And when I go to this page, the listed games stop in 2011: http://realmsbeyond.net/civ/civ4-tournam...elist.html
The title, and all subsequent city names, will be taken from random pages of the superpower Wiki. Some names are long. Where necessary, I'll abbreviate these in the game and post the full version + abilities in this thread.
With this power the user becomes their own omnipotence, the supreme being and the source of everything. The user of this ability is the true master and wielder of any and every other power that is deemed omnipotent.
Being Omnipotence incarnate, the user is fully devoid of any potential weakness : the power cannot be cut off or stolen, nor can its use be disturbed, backfired or turned against the user.
The user is Sublime with this power becomes great, immense, perfect, magnificent and transcendent.
This seemed a fairly accurate account of my character and power both in and outside of Civ, and a fitting way to begin.
Later, when we finally determine the game settings, I might even write something about the start/my plans/progress/anticipated victory/inevitable defeat.
If I'm posting this in a bad place (I couldn't find a general chat thread) or if this is an unwanted post, I apologize and please of course feel free to delete it, but I'm very much hoping this will be interesting to you.
Invitation to The Mafia (aka Werewolf) Championship Season 2
In 2013-2014 I hosted a Mafia Championship that featured more than 100 different players from more than 45 different mafia/werewolf communities. Each community chose their best player to represent them and they battled it out. The best players from the initial games advanced to a finale game where an ultimate winner was decided. The event was endorsed and supported by the creator of mafia himself (Dmitry Davidoff) who even offered to have a private chat with the ultimate winner. Overall it was a huge success and spawned many cross-over games between sites.
I am hoping that you guys will want to participate in season 2
If you are interested, I need one representative to play on behalf of your community. How you decide this representative is completely up to you.
Now, this part is important: You should of course be aiming to send one of your best players. But more important than that, that person needs to be able to participate adequately in terms of activity. Be prepared for up towards 500 posts per 24 hours during the early stages of the game. More on the game format below.
The current plan for season 2
• 65 different communities will be represented.
• 1 player per community for the entire season (preferably).
• 5 qualifying games will be played with 13 players each.
• 2 players advance to the finale from each game based on post-game votes.
• 3 additional players are granted wildcard spots.
Game setup
The game will have a very basic mafia setup: 3 mafia members, 9 vanilla townies and 1 cop. The cop starts the game with a random vanilla townie peek. Roles revealed upon death.
Some communities are not very used to playing basic setups like this, but for the first season, we utilized a setup with a good share of power roles, so this time around we are trying something new. For season 3 we will switch it up again.
Days will last 36 hours and nights 12 hours, meaning 48 hours (2 days) per game day. With one exception: The weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) will be one game day (so day will be 60 hours and night 12 hours on weekends). This means the game will last a maximum of 2 weeks.
The first game is set to start April 6th. The other four games will take place in the 1-3 months after that. I will make a Doodle and find out the best times to start the 5 games so that preferably everyone gets to play during a time that suits them well.
In addition to this, it is also a priority to ensure as much as possible that all the players in any given game has no prior history of playing with each other to ensure a level playing field (but I cannot 100 % guarantee that this won’t happen).
At this stage, what is there to think about? I could ponder over possible leader and civilization choices, but that largely depends on my snake pick position. With India and Inca banned, I am largely inclined to focus on leader traits and just grab a civ with appropriate starting technologies.
I admit to having a weakness for an easy way of popping borders. I struggle to plan cities utilising only the first ring initially as this loses value and, accordingly, upsets me tremendously. Now, with Inca banned and Willem likely banned, this means I will probably go down one of the following paths:
1. Choose a leader with Creative. Financial is such a good trait! Suryavarman would probably be my favourite if I go this route. Sury is unlikely to be picked so this means I could take a civ first. I really have no idea which civs actually have meaningful unique items. This would mean a quick start though but, end game, what advantage do I have? No financial and no industrious. It's all about whether I can leverage an early game advantage. If someone goes aggressive on me, this could all fall apart.
2. Found an early religion. Possibly go spiritual trait to allow easier transition into a religion? Therefore, Mansa Musa? Again, he's unlikely to be an early pick so this gives options. I quite like this option as it allows a fair bit of flexibility.
3.Build stonehenge. This can be a big time sink so maybe I should take Industrious to go alongside this? Huayna Capac is a great leader. Huayna is probably going to get picked early and having him in the game weakens the value of industrious trait. If I get first snake pick and take him, that might put others off and give me maximum value. Things to consider. Huayna has a slow early game though. Bismarck is quicker off the mark. Build stonehenge and oracle metal casting for forges. If I did this, how badly would I fall behind the expansion curve? I tend to expand rather aggressively against the AI, but these are real players.
If anyone is thinking about becoming a dedicated lurker, you would be very welcome.
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