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  New Sheaim, now with 10% less tech!
Posted by: Mardoc - June 4th, 2012, 13:36 - Forum: Erebus in the Balance PBEM XXIII - Replies (131)

Do you have a problem with Envy? Keeping up with the Joneses just too much work? Have I got an answer for you!


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  [SPOILERS] Thessalonica: We only prepared puns for the Elf.
Posted by: Bobchillingworth - June 4th, 2012, 13:25 - Forum: Erebus in the Balance PBEM XXIII - Replies (37)

Thanks to the capricious whims of an RNG, we will not be bringing you thread titles such as:

"In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the panther is not getting much sleep tonight"

"Volanna: Cougertown"

"Volanna rides hard"

"Volanna: The cat between her legs is metaphorical"

"Volanna has a nice pussy"

"Volanna: Purple prose"

"Big Girls Don't Scry" [works even better as a Keelyn thread title!]

[SIZE="1"](thanks to Selrahc for Volanna pun assistance!)[/SIZE]

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  The Official EitB XXIII Banter Thread: Now with 50% More banter!
Posted by: HidingKneel - June 4th, 2012, 11:50 - Forum: Erebus in the Balance PBEM XXIII - Replies (116)

Dear Doviello/Sheaim: I hear that the Sheaim/Doviello are extremely vulnerable in the early game. You should consider a rush!

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  Leader / Civ selection
Posted by: regoarrarr - June 3rd, 2012, 20:19 - Forum: CFC Multi-Team Pitboss - Replies (543)

Okay assuming that this gets off the ground, and if there's a mod that it doesn't drive too many people away, we should probably start thinking about our civ and leader.

In case you haven't heard, we pick 7th out of 9 in a snake pick. The picks are currently scheduled to start on June 4th (i.e. tomorrow)

I believe nothing is banned at this point.

So while much of our deliberations will be affected by the 6 picks before us, I think we've got a good start.

We have columns down at the bottom of our google spreadsheet to rank traits, civs and leaders. Some folks have already put some thought in there

At some point either tonight or tomorrow we should categorize those choices and see what we're looking for.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Editing in picking list for easy reference (Sullla):

1. Team WePlayCiv - Ragnar (Fin/Agg)
2. Team - Inca
3. Team Apolyton - Elizabeth (Fin/Phi)
4. Team Spanish Apolyton - Boudica (Agg/Chr)
5. Team Civfanatics - India
6. Team CivPlayers - Darius (Fin/Org)
7. Team Realms Beyond - Pacal (Fin/Exp)
8. Team UniversCivilization - Holy Roman Empire
9. Team Civfr - Willem (Fin/Cre)
(Choose remaining item out of civ or leader)
10. Team Civfr - Mayans
11. Team UniversCivilization - Mehmed (Exp/Org)
12. Team Realms Beyond - Egypt
13. Team CivPlayers - Aztecs
14. Team Civfanatics - Mansa Musa (Fin/Spi)
15. Team Spanish Apolyton - Zulus
16. Team Apolyton - Ottomans
17. Team - Isabella (Exp/Spi)
18. Team WePlayCiv - Native Americans

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  "how to mod" questions
Posted by: letsdance - June 3rd, 2012, 20:12 - Forum: Mods and Modding - Replies (275)

INFO: the OP is updated until about post #230

maybe it's better to have them clustered.
note: this is about modding files directly (hex-editor). the currently simpliest way to mod the game is using ILSE's tweaker (see subforum).
note: i'm not one of the geniuses here, i just collected this information.
note: this is usually about v1.31. it may not work with other versions of MoM (especially insecticide). some of it may only work with insecticide.

Q: is it possible to restore the guaranteed spells feature from v1.2 for taking books? how?
A: seems very unlikely. several attempts to remove or change uncommon or rare start-spells have also all failed. #187 here or guaranteed spells thread

Q: where are the pick costs for traits?
A: 33949 holds the extra pick cost for myrran (currently 2: 1+2=3). see post #259.

1. Character creation and retorts

1.1. book limit and the retort limit
For books: 633e6 and 63405 in wizards.exe - this must be changed simultaneously. Also for retorts: 633e0 and 633fa. The change above 6 may cause the memory corruption.

1.2. available number of picks (11): magic.exe:3394b

1.3. retort effects (wizards.exe):
runemaster discount (25): 982DE
discount for artificer (50): 98290
Archmage bonus (currently 3/2): BCDF4 (03) / BCDE6 (02)
Mana focusing divisor (4): 9705E 04 is the divisor (02 will give 50 %, 03 = 33 %)
Sagemaster bonus (25): 972DF


1.5. number of common/uncommond/rare spells for taking books:
magic.exe 2713Eh there are 10 2-byte numbers that identify the number of common spells you get depending on the number of books you have in a color. others unknown.

1.6. research bonus for having a certain number of books in one realm: can be changed with tweaker

1.7. casting cost bonus for having a certain number of books in one realm
wizards.exe 981EF for the % reduction per spell book above 7, original value is $0A
wizards.exe 981E6 for the number of books where the bonus starts, stored as a NEGATIVE number as it is a subtraction, meaning $FF=-1= 1 book, $F9 = -7 = 7 books, default value.

1.8. myrran extra pick costs: magic.exe 33949 (currently 2: 1+2=3).

2. Items

2.1. costs to embed spell charges in magic items (20 per casting cost): wizards.exe: 8c0e4 and itemmake.exe: 72A0

2.2. base cost to enchant items (sword, mace, axe etc.)
itemmake.exe beginning with 29B46 and wizards.exe beginning with 2F078, 2 bytes each, low order byte first. same order as in the create item interface.

2.3. caps for creating items: wizards.exe:8c488 is the enchant item cap of 200. 8c481 is the create artifact cap of 10000.

2.4. % of returned mana crystals when destroying an item (50): Currently wizards.exe:5863d contains 2B C2. If you replace it by D1 F8, you'd divide the cost by 4 instead of by 2.

2.5. probability of getting an item/hero offered to buy
wizards.exe be2d4 is a base chance to get an item offered. also see ILSe's post #2 below

3. Lairs

3.1. items as substitues for books/skills from powerful lairs
wizards.exe: 62d82 and 62e32 you've got a value of 1200 of the substitute item value for 1 book/skill respectively 2 books/skills.

3.2. spells obtained from lairs
wizards.exe A3092, overwrite 8B 46 08 with B8 01 00 to always get the spell from the lowest non-researched spell available.
magic.exe 39FCD (4). If you lower this to 3, no very rare spells are awarded UNTIL you have researched all your rare and lower ones.
To increase the price, set 39FE0 (currently 32 00) to something higher. The equation is 50 * square of spell rarity (50, 50 * 4, 50 * 9 etc.).

3.3. Lair rewards in general (magic.exe)
39671 has double value over Arcanus (14 00 e.g. 20), Arcanus has 0A e.g. 10.
39589 = 18 00 (e.g. 24) and 39593 has 64 00 (e.g. 100). This is d24 * 100, while Arcanus d29 * 50. Also 39598 has 100 which is added to the result.
Minimum Treasure value in lairs: 39E09 and 39E0F (currently both 32 = 50) Value is replaced by this much if less, only applies to treasure, not monsters.

3.4. monster value of towers connecting the planes: magic.exe 0x39357 (it's 650 + random value of d11 * 50 in vanilla).

3.5. stop spell rolls from being cumulative in treasure: magic.exe 39FF9 04 -> 01
Explanation: When "Spell" is rolled twice in a treasure pile, the game adds the rarities together. If you roll Uncommon(2) twice, you'll instead get Very Rare(4), etc. This mechanic allows the lair to have significantly more valuable spells that it otherwise could. If you change the code, it instead goes back and rolls again if Spell is rolled the second time or above, the same way it did if it already had a Very Rare.

3.6. chances to get items: see post #208

3.7. Make Book/Retort not remove the rest of the treasure (magic.exe) : 3A0DF: 7E->EB

4. Units

4.1. where are the lvl-up bonusses:
A: see posts #17 - #35 of this thread starting here.

4.2. range modifiers (3)
Wizards.exe: 99bb1 (or ovr122: 0C51) is the distance divider for ranged shots. The distance is divided by this number and truncated. With long range the maximum penalty is 1.

4.3. bonus for magic/mithril/adamantine weapons?
The to hit melee for magic weapons (or better) is incremented at Wizards.exe:8f072 which is "FE C0" (2 bytes).
If you replace them by "90h 90h", you disable the to hit bonus.
The to hit ranged for magic weapons is incremented at Wizards.exe:8f0d8.

4.4. change thrown weapons and breath weapons to use special attack strength rather than ranged attack strength?
A: see page 7 of this thread beginning with post #61.

4.5. food upkeep
wizards.exe 963f2 eb 00 ->d1 f8 halves food for army.
adding/removing the "summoned" flag removes/adds food upkeep for units. be aware that this also has other effects (for example non-summoned units can be mercenaries)

4.6. thrown 0 attack will hit flyers (just for information, no modding needed)

4.7. Weapon immunity defense bonus to XX: wizards.exe 9A77F: 83 FE 0A 7D 03 -> 83 C6 XX EB 03

5. Races, cities, buildings

5.1.1. conquered race happiness penalty
The last 14x14 bytes in the terrstat.lbx (i assume same order as shown in the tweaker table, note that also the klackon bonus is coded here)

5.1.2. Dark Elves produce ½ power per population: wizards.exe C0C57 8B C6 -> EB 4E

5.1.3. Dwarf Mineral multiplier: ECD6A (gold) and ECF8B (power)

5.2. minimum city distance (3) is defined in wizards.exe at offset 5C02Dh.

5.3. improve fortress defense: see Asfex mod in post #170 and post #220

5.4. building boni (wizards.exe):
Sawmill to housing: C1164
BH to housing: C1190
Bank gold: C081E
Merchant guild gold: C07BE
Alchemist guild power: C0C02
Cathetral power: C0BC5
Parthenon power: C0B99
Temple power: C0B6D
Shrine power to zero: C0B3F FF 46 F8 → 90 90 90
Libary research: C09EF
Sage guild research: C0A1A
University research: C0A45
Wizards guild research: C0A70
Wizards guild change upkeep: see here

5.5. Move power boni from one building to another:
Make Oracles generate power instead of Alchemists guilds (31 is the code of oracle, different numbers correspod to different buildings). It's possible to replace the power generation of any other building listed above by finding and replacing their codes instead. All of them are at two positions in the area before the byte for the amount of power.
wizards.exe C0BE8 32 → 31
wizards.exe C0BFC 32 → 31

5.6. Disable starting Builder's Hall (magic.exe)
37651 : 01 → FF and 3E1C1 : 01 → FF

5.7. ShipWright Guild + 2 food bonus
C02CD: 8B C6 BA 72 00 F7 EA C4 1E BC 9C 03 D8 26 80 7F 3D 01 74 14 8B C6 BA 72 00 F7 EA C4 1E BC 9C 03 D8
=> 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 26 80 7F 2B 01 74 07 26 80 7F 2B 00 75 03 83 C7 02 26 80 7F 3D 01 74 07

5.8. mineral bonusses (wizards.exe)
Silver: ECD51
Gold: ECD59
Gems: ECD61
Myrran fortress power bonus: C0D85
Mithril: ECF6A
Adamantium: ECF72
Quork Crystal: ECF7A
Crysx Crystal: ECF82
Iron: ED24a : 0A → 2*xx and ED24F : 05->xx
Coal:  ED25E : 14->2*xx and ED263 : 0A->xx

6. Spells

6.1. effects of lionheart, prayer, heroism:
see page 7-8 of this thread beginning with post #67.
Lionheart Health bonus: 8E711 : 03 → xx and 8E952 : 03 → xx and 8E95B : 03 → xx

6.2. other Spell effect changes (wizards.exe):
Healing: 82C9F which contains 05 00 indicating the healing of 5 hitpoints.
Dispel Evil penalty: 82184
Holy word penalty: AAC3B
Prosperty gold bonus: C0862
Charm of Life Health: 8E830 : 04 → xx units gain an additional 100/x % health.
Wrack bugfix: AE2EF 26->90 Makes Wrack work as intended (unit takes x damage instead of x^2 )
Cracks Call: damage (200): AA680 / no autodeath for Heroes: AA67F FE -> FA
Entangle: 6C822 04 FE => 04 FC (all lose 2 mvp/turn) or B0 02 (all have 1 mvp)
Earthquake Building destruction chance in %: A5FC3 (curretnly 0F = 15%)
Earthquake Unit destruction chance, 1 in x: A5E69 (currently 04 = 25%)
Firewall: 9EE60 33 C0 50 -> 68 0C 00. the strength of firewall is at  9EE61.
Metal Fires: see post #209
Immolation: you can change the immolation effect at 99D5F
Raise Volcano chance to destroy buildings: A7947 (currently 0F = 15%)
Warp Creature: see post #208
Counter Magic: see post #210
Blur: see post #209
Disjunction: see post #210

6.3. Nature's Wrath: wizards.exe
A6312 3D 0F => 3D 04  (4% chance to be destroyed for each non-flying non-noncorporeal unit)
A6479 B8 05 => B8 02  (2% chance to be destroyed for each non-flying non-noncorporeal unit)
B4861 02 74 14 => 02 EB 14  (all magic realms are affected; or 00 75 14 excludes the Nature realm)
B4860       02 74 14 → 05 74 23 + B4874 04 75 0F → 00 74 0F (All Realms except Nature AND Arcane are affected)

6.4. Evil Presence wizards.exe
wizards.exe C0B17 8B C6 BA 72 00 F7 EA C4 1E BC 9C 03 D8 → 26 80 7F 46 00 74 06 B8 02 00 89 46 FA
Warning : While this makes Evil Presence work as intended, zeroing power, it does not check for the Death books. There is no coding space for that. However, the spell is MUCH more useful if it works on anyone anyway. The unrest effect does not afftect Death mages like expected, so they still have an advantage against it.

6.5. Evil Omens wizards.exe
Affects all non-Death spells : 980B7 00 74 -> 04 75
Affects all spells : 980B3 - 980CD : all 90

6.6. Natures Eye spell slot: wizards.exe B3AC2. change this value to the ID number of another spell to move the effect to that spell.

7. General and AI

7.1. mana cap (30,000) is set at a number of places in the code and is in each case generic for all wizards. Easiest would be to change the cap that is applied when we get to a new turn.
wizards.exe: 95A14 - 30000 - tests if you have passed the mana cap
wizards.exe: 95A25 - 30000 - applies the mana cap if applicable.
wizards.exe: 959F4 - 30000 - tests if you have passed the money cap
wizards.exe: 95A05 - 30000 - applies the money cap if applicable.

7.2. gold cap (30,000): wizards.exe: 66AEF, 66AFB, BCCB5, BCCCF, BCDA6, BCDC0: set all from 00 7D ==> xxxx
(I may have made an adress mistake somewhere, be cautious.)

7.3 see Seravy's post #203 for these:
7.3.1. Fixed the AI bug that causes the AI to drop casting Drain Power, Cruel Unminding and Subversion without an effect  
7.3.2. Cruel Unminding changes percentages
7.3.3. No 11th book can be selected
7.3.4. Buying buildings always equals the production cost *2 regardless of completion state
7.3.5. Enable Selection of Life+Death books in Magic.exe
7.3.6. Finding Life/Death books no longer fails if having the opposite realm already: 63439 7E->EB and 63455 7E->EB (wizards.exe)

7.4. taxes (wizards.exe)
C08B7 99 2B C2 D1 F8 -> BB xx 00 F7 FB: 1/x gold per level of taxes selected instead of 1/2

7.5. casting cost range modifiers see post #210

7.6. AI combat casting „randomness“ factor (wizards.exe)
BB82C : 14 → xx The higher the more random AI spell selection will be, the lower the more determined.

7.7. Combat turn limit (50): wizards.exe 7B800 and 6C37C

7.8. Grand Vizer produces only buildings (wizards.exe):
E4AF5 : 26 83 7F 1C 64 7F EF 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
E514E : 75 -> EB  /  E4F61 : E9 EC 01  /  BC948 : 75 -> EB

ziky modding thread (see kyrub's posts for some things too specific to mention here)
eljay's file information docs:
magic item modding thread:
additional spelldat.lbx information thread:
modding and the AI: thread
hero abilities thread:

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  Any other Wizards out there?
Posted by: Yazilliclick - June 3rd, 2012, 17:19 - Forum: Diablo - Replies (39)

[Image: nAWux.png]

Just got finished act 1 with my first wizard, a melee one at that smile, and went pretty well. Wondering what others are thinking of the class?

My current build:!aaaa.a

I keep wishing there were 7 slots for skills so I could fit in magic weapon AND familiar but no such luck. Maybe I'll get tired of explosive blast but as of right now it's my only real arcane power dump so to speak. It's also one of the few offensive abilities that stays true to melee I'd say though others may disagree. Not sure what else would qualify.

Time to go see if I can keep alive in nightmare now smile

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  DIII Account Security
Posted by: Kotys - June 2nd, 2012, 12:57 - Forum: Diablo - Replies (27)

As a victim of an account hack, I would like to encourage people to get an authenticator if they haven't already.

I never in a million years thought my account would be hacked. I simply don't do the typical things that cause accounts to be compromised. Yet, this morning when I logged in, my level 55 monk was nekkid and my stash nearly empty. Kind of disappointing. Especially since I didn't have anything that would be of any real value. I haven't used the auction house but have compared my gear to what was available and my gear was pretty mediocre. I had a dozen or so square gems but even those need upgrading quite a bit to be of value. Ah, well.

I did a little reading and discovered that Blizzard claims no accounts with authenticators have been hacked. I know that some of you have far better gear and far more gold that it would suck to lose. So, if you don't have an authenticator, I suggest you get one.

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  Endless Space
Posted by: ssmagus - June 2nd, 2012, 07:15 - Forum: The Gaming Table - Replies (3)

So... Endless space
[Image: GmZyd.jpg?1?7611]
Is just entering beta, And is this the new Master of Orion 2 that Realms Beyond has been looking for? I think it is.
Does any else here play and have plans for this?

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  Effective HP Calculator
Posted by: Yazilliclick - June 1st, 2012, 07:48 - Forum: Diablo - No Replies

This should help in determining what effect stats and skills have on your character. Pretty slick tool. I haven't tried verifying it as of yet as only found it this morning.

Easy to see why Barbarian tends to be favoured in hardcore at the moment.

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  AH price range advice
Posted by: Gustaran - June 1st, 2012, 05:26 - Forum: Diablo - Replies (29)

How much are you guys willing to pay for good level 60 gear ? I am asking, because I was checking the level 60 (rare) rings for fun, and the cheapest one with decent attack speed cost 5 million gold yikes
That would be a lot of time spent farming ...huh

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