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  United Nations
Posted by: plako - March 14th, 2011, 05:31 - Forum: Pitboss 4 - Replies (84)

Time to open United Nations i.e. public player thread since we've had the pleasure to meet you all.

Tradiotionally everyone is free to read the messages, but only nations that have met everyone have right to write.

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  Werewolf 3 Game Thread
Posted by: Sareln - March 13th, 2011, 01:21 - Forum: Werewolf Archives - Replies (2393)

[SIZE="7"]RB Werewolf 3 - Revenge of the Werewolves[/SIZE]
[SIZE="5"]Game Over - Werewolf Victory[/SIZE]

[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]Sync Post Made.

Rules Update:

  • Do not Edit your Posts.
  • No Insta/Quick lynch except by agreement of all remaining players.

Rules Update 2:
  • If votes are tied between persons A, B, C, etc. and the mayor is voting for one of the tied candidates, the one whom the mayor is voting for is lynched.
  • If votes are tied between A, B, C, etc. and the mayor is not voting for any tied candidate, then the mayor will cast a tie-breaking vote between them. Preferably quickly, but I know with timezones it might be hard.
  • If it takes the mayor longer than 6 hours to cast the tie-breaking vote (the night will be shorter than 18 hours) then the night will be extended by 24 hours to the next 09:00 Pacific (my) time, Unless I get notices from Wolves and Baner stating that they don't need/want the extra time.

Kalocly was a small peaceful town on the borders of the great forest, left alone for the most part as the rest of the world tumbled onwards. A small river, too small for commerce but large enough for a waterwheel, fed the town's farms and pastures. The town's Mill and Temple dominate its skyline, and can be seen as soon as a traveller crests the hills about a mile off. From time to time, a travelling Merchant or priest would stop by, a visit from the rest of civilization to the borders of the known world - or at least, all the world people cared about. Life was good, if rather boring.

That all changed when the Baron came to town.

The Baron is a threat that all towns on the edge of the forest must face. He comes in broad daylight, with no entourage and no courtiers. He comes alone, but no village dares bar his way. He is a warrior of great reknown and a general of unmatched savagery. But it is not for these reasons that the Baron is rightly feared, but for another entirely. The Baron carries with him the curse of the Werewolf, of the savage beast, and it suits him perfectly. The Baron is welcomed, he is fed, he is wined, all with the hopes that he will move on quickly, before night falls. The Baron knows all this, and always stays at least one night, even as he feasts on the village's prize boar and drinks its finest wine. He is offered a bed, but declines it stating that he would rather sleep out under the stars, and the village knows that it is doomed.

In the night, the village huddles within its homes, a barred door their only protection against what they know lurks in the night. It doesn't help. No-one knows how the Baron does it, no doors or windows are broken. The Baron is cruel, and the screams of the dying fill the air. By the end of the night half the village is dead and of the remainder, several are now monsters in their own right.

In the morning, he is gone, no mark of his passing except for the bodies. The village gathers itself and takes stock of the survivors. The mayor is not a brave man, but he does his best to console his fellow villagers, and remind them of the duty they now have. The Baron has surely infected several villagers, and they will transform each night to murder those who used to be their friends and neighbors. The time for mourning will be later, when the village is safe, but for now, a gallows must be built, a vote held, and a villager hanged.

The carpenter works all day, but the gallows is not finished by nightfall. The mayor postpones the vote, sending everyone home. The first vote will be tomorrow, as soon as the gallows are finished. In the night, the villagers hear an eerie howl and they shiver as it is echoed by several more. A scream pierces the night air, and then there is only silence. Morning dawns, and the villagers timidly unbar their doors and step out into the light. Something is hanging from the gallows, though it seems to be missing a few pieces. The mayor hangs silently, a small trail of blood flowing across the boards and down the steps to pool in the dust. There, scratched into the dirt, is a message, its letters filled with blood:

"This village is doomed and all who live within will die beneath our claws."

There will be two votes today - for the town cannot be without a mayor, and someone must hang.

Game Rules:
  1. Non-wolves, Non-Masons cannot communicate about the game out of thread.
  2. Mayor to break ties, voted on the first day. Picks their successor in the event of their death.
  3. There are no secret roles.
  4. 48 Hour Days / 24 Hour Nights
  5. Post your Lynch votes in Red.
  6. Post your mayor vote in Blue.
  7. Insta/Quick Lynch only by agreement of all existing players.
  8. If you do not cast a vote in 2 consecutive days, you will be mod-killed. Casting a No-Vote is equivalent to not voting.
  9. Someone Must Hang. If the entire village opts to not vote, I'll pick someone randomly and kill them.

Explicitly: Wolves may only communicate with other wolves out of thread. Masons may only communicate with other masons out of thread. If you are not a mason or a wolf, all of your game communication must be done in the game thread.

All of the following lists are open, they are in spoiler tags to make this easier to read.

Role Numbers:
  • 4 Werewolves
  • 1 Void-Wolf
  • 1 Baner
  • 1 Seer
  • 1 Fool
  • 2 Masons
  • 13 Villagers

Player List:
  1. Scooter - Grizzled Smith
  2. Selrahc - Scribe
  3. Zakalwe - Cacophonous Bard
  4. Cull - Farmer
  5. Serdoa - Brewer
  6. Bobchillingsworth - Amateur Snoop
  7. Ichabod - Children's Teacher
  8. Uberfish - Elf Emissary
  9. Lewwyn - Carpenter
  10. Mardoc - Glass Blower
  11. Gold Ergo Sum - Bricklayer
  12. MJW (Ya That One) - Travelling Inquisitor
  13. Irgy - Trapper
  14. Mr. Nice Guy - Tailor
  15. Meiz - Retired Barbarian
  16. Rowain - Vintner
  17. Novice - Farmhand
  18. JKaen - Herbalist
  19. Sandover - Innkeeper
  20. Pocketbeetle - Stablehand
  21. Fire & Ice - Village Idiot
  22. Roland - Bowyer
  23. Bruindane - Menhir Deliveryman

Role PMs:

You survived the Baron's visit with your humanity intact, but not everyone was so lucky. They must hang if the village is to survive. No-one is above suspicion, and you can trust only yourself.


You and your fellow masons are the caretakers of the ancient ways of the grand council of poo-bahs. This village was somewhat out of the way, and not a very illustrious posting, but you managed to offend one of your betters early in life and so find yourself stuck here in this backwater. There is a hidden tunnel between the houses of the masons which let you converse with each other at will, and outside the sight of the rest of the village. Now that the Baron has come, it's only a matter of time before your own machinations are uncovered by a paranoid village. It would be best if this werewolf trouble was settled before anything too damaging came to light. At least you know you can trust your fellow mason to still be human.


You have some magical talent, able to read the essences of those around you, though you've been careful to keep this hidden from the rest of the village. The ritual takes time, and requires a magic circle you've drawn in the basement of your home. You've never been able to test it before, given the lack of werewolves, but you're confident that it will work flawlessly.

Each night, PM me the name of a villager. I will tell you if the villager is a Werewolf, a Villager, or a Fool.

The Seer scrys the fool as the fool, and the fool scrys the seer as the fool.

For the fool's scry, I have generated another table of roles / done a second assignment of werewolf/villager roles. When the fool scrys someone, his result comes from that table, instead of the actual table. This saves me paperwork when processing turns, and makes the fool's scrys self-consistent. This is the same technique that was used in RBWW1.


You have knowledge of esoteric herbs and chemicals that can repel a werewolf. The stash of wolfsbane you bought from a travelling merchant many years ago seems to be an especially good investment now. There isn't enough wolfsbane to protect everyone, so you'll have to choose who to protect each night.

Each night, PM me the name of a villager. They are protected from the wolves that night, and will survive if the wolves target them. Note that this does not stop a person from being role-blocked by the Void-Wolf.


You and your packmates have been turned by the Baron. You long to run through the great expanses of the forest hunting prey, but that cannot be as long as any vestiges of your former humanity remain. You will purge yourselves by murdering each of your former friends and neighbors. Once they are all dead, you will have transcended your humanity completely, and will be free to revel in your new strength and power. The once-you screams in the back of your mind, but all you can hear is the heartbeats of those around you, and you remember foundly how tasty the mayor was.


You had some magical skill before the Baron found you. Now that you've been turned, most of those skills have atrophied, but some abilities still remain.

Each night, PM me the name of a villager. If the targeted villager has a night action, their ability will not work.

Turn Resolutions:

How Roles Were Determined:
I generated 24 random numbers from 0 - 100 using, unsorted, and assigned them to each player in order of signup. I then sorted the list by number, least to greatest and assigned roles starting from the top of that list. When Gaspar opted out, I just removed him from the list and moved everyone up by one.

In the Event of the Need for Moderator Action
I hope to not need to use this ability, but reserve the right to remove anyone from the game if their behavior warrants it.

A Final Comment
Thank you for signing up. I'm truly humbled that you're all willing to trust me just a little bit. lol This should be a fun experience for all. Don't take anything personally, and have fun, even when you're tearing into each other tooth and nail.

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  [SPOILERS] Werewolf 3 Lurker Thread
Posted by: Sareln - March 13th, 2011, 00:48 - Forum: Werewolf Archives - Replies (268)

Kindly no players unless deceased or game is finished.

EDIT: Thank you Mods

EDIT2: Please keep direct spoilers out of this thread. I would prefer something closer to WW1, rather than WW2 as far as lurker threads go.

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  Research editor
Posted by: Catwalk - March 12th, 2011, 13:14 - Forum: Master of Orion - No Replies

Per request by jmas, here is the editor that I use to spy on my research points. Enjoy!

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  PBEM14 Organizing Thread
Posted by: scooter - March 11th, 2011, 19:10 - Forum: PBEM14 - Replies (159)

Since PBEM3 and PBEM7 have concluded, I've been starting to feel the itch to start another PBEM. I definitely have the time for it now and my summer will be very conducive to PBEM. I would consider starting either a straight up BtS PBEM, or I would also consider a "FFH for newbs" PBEM (I have roughly 90 minutes of FFH experience) with veteran ded-lurkers. My preference is probably on the BtS side, but I wanted to throw this out there and see if there's any interest in something like this, or if everyone's just about PBEM'd out. So, any takers?

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  Werewolf 3 Signup Thread
Posted by: Sareln - March 8th, 2011, 14:36 - Forum: Werewolf Archives - Replies (103)


Signups will close 24 hours after the conclusion of WW2 - Signups are Now Closed

The game will begin 24 - 48 hours after signups close. The wiggle room between the 24 and 48 will be used to synchronize the day/night cycle times with the time that I can come by and do updates. I'm leaning towards 0900 PST right now as the threshold.


As the 2nd game of werewolf winds down, I'd like to start taking signups for the next game. I will be hosting/narrating. We're going to return to the basics a bit with this run and experiment with no PM play. To that end, here are the rules.

  1. Non-wolves, Non-Masons cannot communicate about the game out of thread.
  2. Seer (Team Village)
  3. Baner (Team Village)
  4. Fool (Team Village)
  5. Role-Blocker (Voider) (Team Werewolf)
  6. Mayor to break ties, voted on the first day. Picks their successor in the event of their death.
  7. There are no secret roles.

If the game gets larger than 20 I think I will add 1 mason for every 10 players or so. I will tell you how many masons are in the game. I will tell you how many wolves are in the game, including the Voider.

Folks will also be getting village roles to go with their game-play roles as well. These roles are merely for a little bit of flavor and to give me a handle on the writeups. Feel free to play as much or as little of your role as you want. When you sign up, you may include a role-play role that you would like to play, if you don't I'll just give you a role based on my whimsy. Actual game-roles will be assigned randomly and independently of your village role.

Currently Signed Players:
  1. Scooter - Grizzled Smith
  2. Selrahc - Scribe
  3. Zakalwe - Cacophonous Bard
  4. Cull - Farmer
  5. Serdoa - Brewer
  6. Bobchillingsworth - Amateur Snoop
  7. Ichabod - Children's Teacher
  8. Uberfish - Miller
  9. Lewwyn - Carpenter
  10. Mardoc - Glass Blower
  11. Gold Ergo Sum - Bricklayer
  12. MJW (Ya That One) - Travelling Inquisitor
  13. Irgy - Trapper
  14. Mr. Nice Guy - Tailor
  15. Meiz - Retired Barbarian
  16. Rowain - Vintner
  17. Novice - Farmhand
  18. JKaen - Herbalist
  19. Sandover - Innkeeper
  20. Pocketbeetle - Stablehand
  21. Fire & Ice - Village Idiot
  22. [Strike]Gaspar - Travelling Merchant[/Strike]
  23. Roland - Bowyer
  24. Bruindane - Menhir Deliveryman

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  wesnoth successive game
Posted by: fire&ice - March 4th, 2011, 16:25 - Forum: Succession Games - Replies (402)

Taken strait from the wiki.

Quote:The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based tactical strategy game with a high fantasy theme.

Build up a great army, gradually turning raw recruits into hardened veterans. In later games, recall your toughest warriors and form a deadly host against whom none can stand! Choose units from a large pool of specialists, and hand-pick a force with the right strengths to fight well on different terrains against all manner of opposition.

Wesnoth has many different sagas waiting to be played out. Fight to regain the throne of Wesnoth, of which you are the legitimate heir... step into the boots of a young officer sent to guard a not-so-sleepy frontier outpost... lead a brutal quest to unite the orcish tribes... vanquish a horde of undead warriors unleashed by a foul necromancer, who also happens to have taken your brother hostage... guide a band of elvish survivors in an epic quest to find a new home... get revenge on the orcs by utilising the foul art or necromancy...

200+ unit types. 16 races. 6 major factions. Hundreds of years of history. The world of Wesnoth is absolutely huge and limited only by your creativity - make your own custom units, compose your own maps, and write your own scenarios or even full-blown campaigns. You can also challenge up to 8 friends - or strangers - and fight in epic multi-player fantasy battles.

I was hoping we could set up a successive game involving one of the campaigns from the standard edition. I was hoping of chosing a campaign that did not involve elves or loyalists as they seem to fall in expected campaigns. Also those seem to be easier campaigns (Not all follow this principle). Based on the level of expirence and bravery of all involved we can chose I would like to play Northern Rebirth.

We would take turns of 3 turns each and disscuss our options based on what the troops, gold, and enemys look like at the end of each turn set.

This game would work on the 24 got it, 48 play time of the Civ games.

I know of no tacics that exist that might be banned at this point.
However no cheating will be tolerated.
It is not possible to force people to follow this but, it would be better if we don't reloaded auto-saves to get better results.

Somthing I forgot to mention nothing is set in stone I would rather have good rules that let us finish unlike the other two I found online.

I am at present using 1.8.5.

Those that have volunteered at present
1) Fire&Ice
2) Bruindane
3) Lewwyn
4) Haphazard

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  plight + 1.40j?
Posted by: ConjurerDragon - March 4th, 2011, 09:33 - Forum: Insecticide Patch - Replies (1)

Does this patch already include the changes to the texts that the "plight" thread offers? Or can those be added to a 1.40j patched game without problems?

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  PBEM fora achive?
Posted by: Krill - March 4th, 2011, 07:22 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (5)

PBEMs 1, 3 and 7 have all finished, would it make sense to archive them now?

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  PBEM13 - Temp Stand In Turn Player Required
Posted by: Pegasus - March 3rd, 2011, 16:08 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (3)

Would anyone be willing to help me out this year in playing my turns in PBEM13?

The speed at which this game is going is averaging around a turn a day (when I don't hold it up lol).

I get married this year, so I just need some cover to help play the turns as I will not have my civ machine with me on the following dates:

17th to 19th March
28th May to 4th June
23rd July to 12th August

I should have internet access for all of these dates except in last week in July, so am hoping to be able to communicate through the thread.

Can anyone help on any of these dates so I don't hold the rest of the players up?

Thanks in advance


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