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  Glum Goes Abroad
Posted by: Gazglum - March 18th, 2014, 05:53 - Forum: The Gaming Table - Replies (13)

Hey guys! Some of you may have seen this already in the Civ section, but the Werewolf community is my first family at RB so I wanted to let you know too. Ms Gazglum and myself are heading out on a 9 month backpacking trip around Europe, seeing basically everything and indulging my love of history. I'm pretty excited. Hopefully Russia and the EU don't go to war.

I won't be able to play any werewolf for a while, though I'll think of all you lycanthropes as I pass through the Black Forest. I could do a game in June, probably, if it was going then. Looking forward to lurking whatever happens though.

Also, I know that y'all are a well traveled lot, so if you have any advice about fascinating and peculiar corners of Europe for an eager Australian to see, let me know! We have a general plan in mind for our route, but we can always take detours.

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  Fantasy Baseball Thread
Posted by: Kuro - March 18th, 2014, 01:05 - Forum: The Gaming Table - No Replies

We had a Fantasy Football Thread, so why not a thread dedicated to the other great American sport, baseball? Unfortunately, I sorta...well, forgot to make this thread until like 3 days until the baseball season starts, so I have no idea if an RB league could even be made, or if we have enough people. But regardless, even just a little hearing of if you enjoy fantasy baseball, thoughts on drafting, or whatever, would be appreciated. I think that this thread is allowed from what I saw, so yeah.

I'm in two leagues this year, one with my friends and one I already drafted. Sadly, the one with my friends only has 7 people in it right now: We're hoping that going public will let us get enough people for a 10 teamer...if anyone wants to join BTW, I can getcha in.

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  [SPOILERS] HitAnyKey's Insanity Reigns Again
Posted by: HitAnyKey - March 17th, 2014, 17:25 - Forum: Pitboss 18 - Replies (67)




.....yeah, and stuff.....

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  Pitboss 18 "How to Install and Run the mod" Thread
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - March 16th, 2014, 09:02 - Forum: Pitboss 18 - Replies (12)

Where do I get the mod?

Here ...

(March 17th, 2014, 12:59)Krill Wrote: RB/Smegheads mod

Where do I put the mod?

You want one of these (depends on your system setup and what version of Civ4 you are running) ...
  • Steam instillation of Civ4 (thx WilliamLP from this post) ...
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Beyond the Sword\Mods\
  • Non-Steam, win7 installation, installed from BtS expansion disk ...
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\
  • Non-Steam, win7 installation, installed from BtS complete disk (thx Commodore) ...
    • C:\Program Files\2K Games\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 Complete\Beyond the Sword\Mods\

The folder containing the mod must be called 'RB Mod'. It should look like this once you have it unzipped ...

I typically unzip it to a directory that I have complete access too (ie desktop, docs, etc) and then copy and paste it to the program files location. Win7 nags me about access rights and I say 'tis ok'.

[Image: RBModPlacement.png]

Apparently there are tons of incorrect mod folders.

Don't put the mod in any of these ... these are all WRONG

- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Mods
- C:\Users\<win user name>\Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\MODS

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  March Madness: Civ4 AI Edition
Posted by: Sullla - March 15th, 2014, 22:12 - Forum: Civ General Archives - Replies (910)

It's tournament time on the sports calendar here in the US! Time to fill out your brackets and start rooting intently for teams that you've never heard about before. But what if we could create a bracket for Civ4, and pit the AIs against one another in a battle for supremacy? I can't be the only one who would enjoy watching the madness that results from a reality TV style throwdown.

[Image: survivorlogo.png]

Borrowing shamelessly from a group at CivFanatics, I present Civ4's version of AI Survivor. All 52 leaders facing off against one another in a series of matches to advance through the bracket to one final championship game. Which AI will emerge on top as the strongest in the game?

I've done a lengthier introduction on my website, and I'm working on putting together the first game. I hope that at least some of you agree that this will be entertaining to watch. At the very least, it will give everyone something to read while the Pitboss 18 tech team works out the remaining bugs. smile

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  Pitboss 18: All Civs Claimed, Subs Always Welcome!!!
Posted by: Boldly Going Nowhere - March 14th, 2014, 12:23 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - No Replies

PB18 is currently full but with so many players in the game, there will in all probability be a steady need for temporary subs due to players taking time away from the game. Check here if you're interested in participating! If nothing else, stop by and spam my thread. smile

Original post:

Quote:Claim your civ (Saladin of Mali) here!

The game's start has been delayed due to technical reasons involving the large number of civs in the game, but these are being rapidly sorted. If you were disappointed when signup ended, this is your last chance!

If there are others who are interested in being involved in the game, visit the PB18 tech thread and let your intention be known. Some players are interested in dedicated lurkers and many other players will need a temporary sub at some point during the game due to vacations, etc. Come one, come all!


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  One further way to lose 3 hours of your life
Posted by: Fintourist - March 14th, 2014, 10:37 - Forum: The Gaming Table - Replies (27)

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  Replacement for PBEM55
Posted by: Gazglum - March 13th, 2014, 22:09 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (12)

I need a Scooter to my Pindicator!

I'm heading on a backpacking tour of Europe at the end of the month, and I need someone to take over prime turnplaying duties on PBEM55 at that point. I would still be able to play some turns, look in on the game, and offer commentary, but I can't be a reliable turn player. So I'm looking more for a partner than a replacement, but you would be lead decision maker.


Someone who is happy to post thread updates

+ someone who is a low-medium level player (it's a greens game, Krill need not apply).

As to the game:

THE GOOD - its a fun map, we've built the Great Lighthouse and Colossus and are well placed to build up a naval empire. Also you have an opportunity to fight Yuri in a war. It'll be around Turn 95 when I depart.

THE BAD - We're basically out of the running to win (though could still place on the podium!)

I've been getting the save around 2pm Australian eastern time, which is 3am London time, 8 pm Los Angeles Time and 8am in Tashkent.

I know everyone just started playing PB 18, so timing aint great. But fun guaranteed!

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  Looking for additional administrator staff member
Posted by: BRickAstley - March 12th, 2014, 10:29 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (13)

With Yaz stepping down from the administration team and my free time to work on RB ever decreasing, we are tentatively looking at adding another member of the community onto the administrative team, specifically to help out with technical work.

If you are a regular here on Realms Beyond, have at least some of a grasp of the technical workings of a website (for improvement and/or upkeep), and would like to give of your knowledge and time to help with keeping Realms Beyond in good shape, please send a PM to both me and King of Pain saying that you'd like to do so, as well as any comments you want to add.

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Sad [SPOILERS] Blut und Eisen: Deutsche Einigungskriege
Posted by: spacetyrantxenu - March 11th, 2014, 22:35 - Forum: Pitboss 18 - Replies (113)

Auf längere Auseinandersetzungen Forckenbecks über das Bewilligungsrecht und den Art. 99 der Verfassung und über den Wunsch des Volkes nach der verkürzten Dienstzeit erwidert Bismarck:

Excerpt from Bismarck's Blood and Iron" Speech (1862) Wrote:Er wolle gern auf den Etat für 1862 eingehen, ohne jedoch eine präjudizierliche Erklärung abzugeben. Ein Mißbrauch von Verfassungsrechten könne von allen Seiten getrieben werden; das führe dann zur Gegenwirkung von der anderen Seite. Die Krone z. B. könne zwölfmal hintereinander auflösen, das sei gewiß nach dem Buchstaben der Verfassung erlaubt, würde aber doch Mißbrauch sein. Ebenso könne sie Streichungen des Budgets zurückweisen, ohne Maß; da sei die Grenze schwer zu ziehen; sei sie schon bei 6 Millionen? bei 16? oder bei 60? – Es gebe Mitglieder des Nationalvereins, eines wegen der Gerechtigkeit seiner Forderungen zu Ansehen gelangten Vereins – hochachtbare Mitglieder, die alle stehenden Heere für überflüssig erklärten. Ja, wenn nun eine Volksvertretung diese Ansicht hätte! Müsse nicht eine Regierung das zurückweisen?! – Von der „Nüchternheit“ des preußischen Volkes sei die Rede gewesen. Ja, die große Selbständigkeit des einzelnen mache es schwierig in Preußen, mit der Verfassung zu regieren (oder die Verfassung zu konsolidieren?); in Frankreich sei das anders, da fehle diese individuelle Selbständigkeit. Eine Verfassungskrisis sei keine Schande, sondern eine Ehre. – Wir sind ferner vielleicht zu „gebildet“, um eine Verfassung zu tragen; wir sind zu kritisch; die Befähigung, Regierungsmaßregeln, Akte der Volksvertretung zu beurteilen, ist zu allgemein; im Lande gibt es eine Menge katilinarischer Existenzen, die ein großes Interesse an Umwälzungen haben. Das mag paradox klingen, beweist aber doch alles, wie schwer in Preußen verfassungsmäßiges Leben ist. – Man ist ferner zu empfindlich gegen Fehler der Regierung; als wenn es genug wäre, zu sagen, der und der Minister hat Fehler gemacht, als wenn man nicht selbst mitlitte? – Die öffentliche Meinung wechsle, die Presse sei nicht die öffentliche Meinung; man wisse, wie die Presse entstände; die Abgeordneten hätten die höhere Aufgabe, die Stimmung zu leiten, über ihr zu stehen. Wir haben zu heißes Blut, wir haben die Vorliebe, eine zu große Rüstung für unsern schmalen Leib zu tragen; nur sollen wir sie auch utilisieren. Nicht auf Preußens Liberalismus sieht Deutschland, sondern auf seine Macht; Bayern, Württemberg, Baden mögen dem Liberalismus indulgieren, darum wird ihnen doch keiner Preußens Rolle anweisen; Preußen muß seine Kraft zusammenfassen und zusammenhalten auf den günstigen Augenblick, der schon einige Male verpaßt ist; Preußens Grenzen nach den Wiener Verträgen sind zu einem gesunden Staatsleben nicht günstig; nicht durch Reden und Majoritätsbeschlüsse werden die großen Fragen der Zeit entschieden – das ist der große Fehler von 1848 und 1849 gewesen – sondern durch Eisen und Blut. Die vorjährige Bewilligung sei erfolgt; aus welchen Gründen, sei gleichgültig; er suche aufrichtig den Weg der Verständigung: ob er ihn finde, hänge nicht allein von ihm ab. Man hätte lieber kein fait accompli machen sollen seitens des Abgeordnetenhauses. – Wenn kein Budget zustande komme, dann sei tabula rasa; die Verfassung biete keinen Ausweg, denn da stehe Interpretation gegen Interpretation; summum ius, summa iniuria; der Buchstabe tötet. Er freue sich, daß die Außerung des Referenten, wegen Möglichkeit eines anderen Beschlusses des Hauses infolge einer etwaigen Gesetzesvorlage, die Aussicht auf Verständigung lasse; er suche diese Brücke auch; wann sie gefunden werde, stehe dahin. – Das Zustandekommen eines Budgets in diesem Jahre sei der Zeit nach kaum möglich; wir seien ja in exzeptionellen Zuständen; das Prinzip der schleunigen Vorlegung des Budgets sei ja auch von der Regierung anerkannt; aber man sage, das sei schon oft versprochen und nicht gehalten; nun „Sie können doch uns als ehrlichen Leuten trauen.“ Die Interpellation, es sei verfassungswidrig, verweigerte Ausgaben zu machen, teile er nicht; zu jeder Interpretation sei Übereinstimmung der drei Faktoren nötig.

Bismarck responds to [Max von] Forckenbeck's lengthy arguments about appropriation rights and Art. 99 of the constitution and the people's wish for a shortened military service:

Quote:He would like to go into the budget for 1862, though without making a prejudicial statement. An abuse of constitutional rights could be undertaken by any side; this would then lead to a reaction from the other side. The Crown, e.g., could dissolve [parliament] twelve times in a row – that would certainly be permitted according to the letter of the constitution – but it would be an abuse. It could just as easily reject cuts in the budget, immoderately; it would be hard to tell where to draw the line there; would it be at 6 million? At 16? Or at 60? – There are members of the National Association [Nationalverein] – of this association that has achieved a reputation owing to the justness of its demands – highly esteemed members who have stated that all standing armies are superfluous. Well, what if a public assembly had this view! Would not a government have to reject this?! – There was talk about the "sobriety" of the Prussian people. Yes, the great independence of the individual makes it difficult in Prussia to govern with the constitution (or to consolidate the constitution?); in France things are different, there this individual independence is lacking. A constitutional crisis would not be disgraceful, but honorable instead. – Furthermore, we are perhaps too "well-educated" to support a constitution; we are too critical; the ability to assess government measures and records of the public assembly is too common; in the country there are a lot of catiline [conspiratorial] characters who have a great interest in upheavals. This may sound paradoxical, but everything proves how hard constitutional life is in Prussia. – Furthermore, one is too sensitive about the government's mistakes; as if it were enough to say "this and that [cabinet] minister made mistakes,["] as if one wasn't adversely affected oneself. Public opinion changes, the press is not [the same as] public opinion; one knows how the press is written; members of parliament have a higher duty, to lead opinion, to stand above it. We are too hot-blooded, we have a preference for putting on armor that is too big for our small body; and now we're actually supposed to utilize it. Germany is not looking to Prussia's liberalism, but to its power; Bavaria, Württemberg, Baden may indulge liberalism, and yet no one will assign them Prussia's role; Prussia has to coalesce and concentrate its power for the opportune moment, which has already been missed several times; Prussia's borders according to the Vienna Treaties [of 1814-15] are not favorable for a healthy, vital state; it is not by speeches and majority resolutions that the great questions of the time are decided – that was the big mistake of 1848 and 1849 – but by iron and blood. Last year's appropriation has been carried out; for whatever reasons, it is a matter of indifference; he is sincerely seeking the path of agreement: whether he finds it does not depend on him alone. It would have been better if one had not made a fait accompli on the part of the Chamber of Deputies. – If no budget comes about, then there is a tabula rasa; the constitution offers no way out, for then it is one interpretation against another interpretation; summum ius, summa iniuria; the letter killeth. He is pleased that the speaker's remark about the possibility of another resolution of the House on account of a possible bill allows for the prospect of agreement; he, too, is looking for this bridge; when it might be found is uncertain. – Bringing about a budget this year is hardly possible given the time; we are in exceptional circumstances; the principle of promptly presenting the budget is also recognized by the government; but it is said that this was already promised and not kept; [and] now [it's] "You can certainly trust us as honest people." He does not agree with the interpellation that it is unconstitutional to make expenditures [whose authorization had been] refused; for every interpretation, it is necessary to agree on the three factors.

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