Inspired by a combination of nostalgia and human stupidity, I'm proposing a PBEM using just basic Civ IV. Embrace a simpler, more earnest game of Civ, from a time when Spain was Nerf Plz OP, Asian leaders weren't universally aggressive psychopaths or paranoid isolationists, the Native Americans were represented by barbarian city names, and invading Iraq still kind of seemed like a good idea.
Proposed Rules:
* No leader / civ bans! There is no "unrestricted leaders" setting, so take India if you're okay with forgoing Financial. Want to be Fin / Org? Hope you're happy playing as America, you poor sucker!
* AI Diplo ~or~ one diplo message allowed per turn, no NAPs, email only (Final Destination) ~or~ Public Diplo in a Bantery Thread. I DON'T CARE.
* Other stuff.
I kind of doubt enough people will want to join this, but hey nothing ventured, nothing gamed.
If you are for some ungodly reason torn between participating in this or the new FFH game I proposed which only needs one more player, please join that game instead.
When green is all there is to be
It could make you wonder why, but...
Why wonder? Why Wonder?
I am green and it'll do fine
It's beautiful!
And I think it's ... what I want to be
-- Sakkra poet
After settling nearby Morrig I built a few long range destroyers to keep the AI away from nearby worlds, and after finishing my industrial development I started work on a Huge long range colony ship to get to Rayden.
^ Big colony ship, 2339.
I bearly beat the Bulrathi in the race for Tyr, the Poor world to the west of Rayden. They sent a colony fleet that arrived at the same time as my colony ship, but fortunately they only brought a single fighter as escort, and had to retreat from my long range destroyer.
^ Bulrathi forced to retreat.
Not long after I managed to get hold of range 5 tech by trading with the Humans. This allowed me to settle Collassa, Kronos, and eventually Regulus, to the east. By the time my colony ship got to Collassa a large Meklar fleet was already en route for the same world, but my ambassador convinced the Meklar ruler to back down.
I also managed to settle Drakka, to the south-west.
After that it was just a matter of buckling down and keeping the AIs from becoming too strong. I used a lot of threats, which led to a lot of wars. Which wasn't too bad, because it let me exterminate the AI colonies from my area of space, and I even killed a few AI super-fleets by cutting off their supply lines. The AI didn't target my worlds much. The only exception was Collassa, which got erased quite a few times by Meklar fleets. But I rebuilt every time, if nothing else to give them a target for their next attack...
The problem was the elections. It took some effort to avoid a diplomatic loss. The Sakkra, Humans and Silicoids had similar numbers, and would take turns being up for election. The Humans were my buddies and at almost constant war with the Silicoids, so Sakkra vs. Silicoids in the senate was safe. The same could not be said for Sakkra vs. Humans. In one case I had to trick the galactic census takers by sending millions of my people into space, making the Silicoids and the Humans the most populous races for just long enough.
As the game progressed I managed to capture Crypto from the Meklar and Marette from the Alkari. I had a killer fleet en route for the green Silicoid world Neptunus when favorable diplomatic conditions and some last second peace treaties won me the election against Humans.
^ Overview of race standings right before elecion in 2525. Bulrathi were wiped out by Humans in 2488. Humans have a lot of worlds, but many are recently settled and vulnerable.
I am Ozzee and I have been more or less silently lurking RB for two years now. I have been enjoying many of the threads and i want to shout out a big "Thank you" to all the active, reporting players. I like how you guys are bugged out about stuff but you never lose the generally positive "keep the RB thing - whatever that means - going" attitude.
Thank you & Cheers.
ps: I encourage other silent lurkers to say cheers, or something alike
Okay, I need serious help with a game (Vanilla CivIV) I am playing. It's a small Pangaea, on Noble difficulty (yeah, lame, I know :/)
I am the Queen of England Elizabeth, and I rule a small empire including Seville (conquered from a war with Spain to curb power), and Satsuma (culture flipped, like 5 turns after it was founded!). I was recently at war with Spain, and currently fighting Toku (he declared first!) and fought him back to his capital.
At this point, I can't turn back to stop Toku's constant horse archer raids (too many turns), nor can I capture the capital (too many units). My economy is good, but I have no friends since I had to cancel deals with my buddy Alex to prevent Spain from raiding me.
I have no clue what to do. I'm handing over the throne to the next Noble of England!
- GreyWolf, Beeri Bawl of the Luchiurp, mturkhan [at]
- Yell0w, Furia the Mad of the Balseraphs, rby3110w [at]
- Kredom, Flauros of the Calabim, kredom [at]
- DaveV / Commodore, Tasunke of the Hippus, rbdavev9 [at]
- Bobchillingworth, Auric Ulvin of the Illians, bobchillingworth [at]
- Ellimist, Sheelba of the Clan, ellimistbeyond [at]
Additionally, Qg is waiting in the wings in case Hyborem is summoned, or if someone needs a human to takeover Basium / their old civ.
Game Rules:
* Keelyn and Volanna are banned.
* Tower requires Omniscience.
* Tsunami spell banned.
Game Settings:
Mod: EitB.
Variant: None.
Human takeover allowed for Infernals / Basium: Yes/color].
Compact Enforced: [color=Lime]Off.
Impossible To Fulfil Map Design Requests- Natural without being completely random; not biased toward any particular civ.
Game Speed: Quick.
Difficulty: Map Maker's pick.
Barbarians: Raging.
Orthus: Off.
Acheron: Off.
Lairs: Off.
Huts: Off.
Start Era: Ancient.
Wildlands: On.
Living World: On.
Vassals: Off.
Tech trading: Off.
Diplomacy: AI Diplomacy .
All Unique Features: Up to Map Maker.
Advanced Start- Off.
Game proposal stuff:
Anyone up for one? I'm good with most settings, FFH or EitB. Variant or vanilla is fine, I'd be interested in a game which starts 1 era in, although I suppose that could engender some balance issues. Another 3-spell Adept start / No Settlers / Advanced Start game could be fun as well. Or starting with a single-spell Mage, or something. Whatever!
* Pitboss, normal speed.
* Monarch difficulty
* Barbarians on.
* No Tech Trading
* No vassal States
* No tribal Villages
* No Random Events
* Unrestricted leaders
* Tech cost Scaling
* Medium Distance Maintenance
* Torusland base
* Huge
* 44% seas, Inland Ocean
* 100x36
* 1 random improvement per 20 tiles
* No talking. (You can't communicate with other players about the game. No using text in-game to send messages. You can still do in-game diplo.)
* No city trading/gifting of any sort.
* Anyone who does annoying things with the turn timer will be taken outside and shot, then made to wear a dunce cap, then brought back inside and shot again.
* The goal of the game is not just to strive for sole victory but also simply to improve your civilization, explore how the game works, and survive. Not every nation will be America, but they are still worth something! ()
* We will try to maintain a brisk turn pace.
* No smurfs, please! Does this really need to be said? Well it's said.
* We will do our best to have fun and help our fellow players have fun.
Lord Parkin (->Grimace) - Churchill of Zulu(CHM/PRO,agri/hunt)
HitAnyKey - Wang Kon of Spain(FIN/PRO,fish/myst)
Haram - Ragnar of Mongolia(FIN/AGR,hunt/wheel)
Mackoti - Charlemagne of Germany(IMP/PRO,hunt/mine)
SevenSpirits - Pericles of Russia(CRE/PHI,hunt/mine)
Gavagai - Willem van Oranje of Ethiopia(FIN/CRE,hunt/mine)
slowcheetah (->Donovan Zoi) - Napoleon of Vikings(CHM/ORG,fish/hunt)
Douglas Quaid (->retep) - Elizabeth of Egypt(FIN/PHI,agri/wheel)
Gawdzak - Boudica of Rome(AGR/CHM,fish/mine)
Kuro/Wetbandit - Tokugawa of India(AGR/PRO,mine/myst)
GermanJojo - Cyrus of Khmer(CHM/IMP,hunt/mine)
I'm looking for a permanent replacement in both of my games. Short synopsis on both of them:
PB13 - Darius/Vikings. game is quite far along - we're in the Rifles/cannons -> Infantry/artillery era. I can't comment too deeply here because of spoilers. If you're interested in playing a modern era game, this could be a fun place to pick up.
PB18 - Shaka/Ottomans - this is the massive 34 civ game. We are very early on, so you have plenty to work with here.
PM or email me if you'd like me to give a more detailed synopsis of what's here.
(If you're in one of these games, no worries, I am fully capable/willing to play these games until a replacement is found, even if that means indefinitely.)
Endless legend is a fantasy turn based strategy game with hex tiles that takes place on a planet that you can find in endless space and that dungeon of the endless takes place on. The game divides your forces up into armies that are similar to the fleets in endless space in that they hold a specific number of units depending on tech and can be led by a hero. The combat, city management, and the tech tree are significantly different from other games, so I will go over each in a separate section.
The combat system in endless legend takes place not in the hex that battle started in, but instead it includes the 30 or so hexes surrounding the hexes that the armies were standing in. You can deploy your army only in your half of the battlefield, so what angle you engage in matters a lot because high ground mechanics can block ranged attacks so if you are on the other side of a ridge from someone you may not be able to shoot them, but if you attacked from a different hex surrounding the enemy then the ridge may be at such an angle that you can place troops on top of it to allow them to shoot the whole map.
After deploying your troops, you then select their targeting. This is what your army will attempt to do for the next 2 turns, with their behaviour after their orders are completed depending on their stance, which can be aggressive, defensive, or hold position, which do roughly what you would expect.
At this point your troops will fight automatically for the next 2 turns, and will use any special abilities they have automatically. The only abilities that I have seen in action are circular attack, which has the unit attack all adjacent enemies instead of just one, and slowing arrows, which decrease the movement speed of the enemy and allow you to basically kill anything before it gets to you.
To explain cities, you must first understand regions. A region is a continuos group of ~50 hexes that can have some minor race villages in them. The only thing you can do with minor races is attack their villages and then settle a city in their region to assimilate them and gain the ability to build their units and rebuild their villages for extra population, as well as some minor passive benefits like +5% food per turn.
Each city has to be founded in a separate region, and only uses the 6 tiles around it at the start. Unlike basically every other turn based strategy ever, all tiles in the city radius are automatically worked, and you can build resource connecters on any resource in the region. There are also no workers or tile improvements that do not connect resources. The only assignment of citizens that happens is that you can assign you citizens to improve the production of any one of FIDS (food industry dust science, the same 4 that were in endless space and with dust being the currency of this world) or to produce influence, which is used to do varying diplomatic deals, annex minor races, or to perform the compulsory modifications to your empire plan once every 20 turns, which provides buffs in military, economy, expansion, or science, depending on where you spend your influence points.
The starting city radius of 6 hexes can be increased by building so called "borough streets", which can be built on any tile in the city radius and will add all adjacent tiles to the cities radius. If you build enough of these, then it does not matter where you built your city as you can harvest the tiles of the entire region.
The tech tree is divided into the same 4 sections as the endless space tech tree is (warfare, science, empire and expansion, and diplomacy/money making) but is further divided into 5 eras, though only the first 3 seem to be working at the moment due to the game being in early access. To unlock each era, you have to research a certain amount of technologies. Each tech in a section can be researched in any order, with the only science cost increases coming when you reach a new era.
I made this thread mostly to ask for help, because I am not a good enough strategy player to know if these mechanics can make for a good game. So, if anyone experienced in turn based 4x games find this thread, please tell me what you think of the game.