So I was reading through a boardgames forum, and I stumbled on a link to this game called Crowns that recently came online. It's an interesting mix of strategic board games, in that each side is able to pick from different units and custom placing without the opponent's knowledge, as in a game like Stratego, but once all of the units for each side are picked and placed, the entire board is revealed for both players, and the gameplay is perfect knowledge as in chess.
I've just recently discovered it and played a few games this afternoon, but the AI client on the website is really good and has stomped me. :P I'm starting to get the hang of the strategy of the different pieces, and it looks to be quite deep and very fun.
The game can be played versus AI on their website, or PvP Through email or chat. Turns are passed by sending a URL through email or chat, so it would be fairly simple to send turns for multiplayer games.
Since I know a ton of you are strategy buffs, I'm hoping that this will prove interesting for you. :D Link to the rules is here, and link to the game is here.
I thoroughly enjoyed this adventure, and spent a lot of time on it up until almost the AD era. Then, real life intervened, and it was all I could do to race through to the end.
Executive summary:
Went with Cygnet Cyrus because I thought the early happiness from charismatic, the hut opportunities from a starting scout, and the barb-busting of an early UU would only enhance the 30-turn handicap bonus.
Had great scouting luck...lots of huts
Settled two cottage cities near the capital: one south, one east. Barbs put a city right where I wanted up north (triple gems), so I got that too. Found a great site to the east with seafood, pigs and wheat and built Globe+NatEpic there. Ended up generating 7 Artists + free one at Music.
Founded Confucianism, Oracled Philosophy, Researched Theology, Culture-captured a Buddhist city. These four religions got spread to my 9-city empire which cash-rushed lots of granaries and temples.
The AD years were just clicks. I feel like I might have been able to give a better performance, but in the end the victory screen splashed on:
Turn 226 (1580AD).
I really enjoyed this Swiss, and wish I had time even now to write a better report. This short summary doesn't do justice to my efforts in the first half, including the very-fun process of analyzing the handicaps!
The Inter-Site Democracy Game 2012 (usually just ISDG) is a large Civ 4 Pitboss game organised by CivFanatics. There are several large teams participating, of which Realms Beyond (RB) is one.
We have a private forum right here on for discussing the game, and membership in the team is open for anyone who:
is a member of (ie registered on) our forum
is not a member of another team in the ISDG
can show participation in other events or games here on RB
The events or games need not be limited to Civ - any game that we run out of here is fair game. What matters is that you show that you are willing to be an active member of our community.
If you are registered the forum, click on User CP (or follow the link), then click on Group Memberships to the left (or follow the link).
A list of groups will be shown to the right. The list should include "CFC Team Pitboss Players", which is our group for the ISDG (the game has far too many names floating around). Click "Join Group".
A group leader will then either approve you or contact you soon if there is anything that needs to be clarified. Once you're approved, the hidden forum is now visible in the Pitboss section.
If we can't approve you right now, please feel free to join in on our own on-going democracy game: Demo1. Join a team and make yourself at home here.
Kerberos has announced they are planning to do a crowdsourced roguelike called The Pit. It'll be set in the SotS-verse, so you'll be a marine, engineer, or pilot rather than a fighter or wizard. You can see their pitch page here, and the announcement (including their reasons for going with this approach) on their official forums here.
Since up to this point Kerberos has followed the traditional developer-for-hire-by-publisher model up to this point it's going to be interesting seeing what happens as a result of this switch!
There have been a fair number of people asking for a display theme that is a copy of or resembles the old site style, and I know both Yazi and KingofPain have been busy and have enough on their plate, so I've taken a few hours to whip up such a theme for us.
Test website is located here. There are a few items that aren't right (ads are forced on this forum hoster, some thumb-images need refinement, smilies included are horrid, a good amount of other small style tweaks could be done), but I think this is close to the alternate/retro feel that people would want.
This is the first ever adventure write-up that I've attempted, so here we go ... The History of the Technologically Backward, yet Culturally Affluent Russians, as recalled by Cornflakes, both the documenter and the guiding hand behind all that transpired ………
First of all, results for scoring (not that I have the slightest chance of earliest Cultural Victory)
Cultural Victory T264 – 15 (Catherine) = T249
Number of cities flipped by culture: a pitiful 1 single city
Now, why Catherine of Russia?
1. The pick was to a large degree random
2. I wanted someone near the middle of the rankings
3. Since I would be unable to declare war on the AI to claim territory later on I figured that it was to my advantage to pace my cities in the best long-term position, and creative provides greater flexibility for settling early cities by popping borders right away (not sure how much this really benefitted me though, since I probably didn’t choose the best locations anyway)
General thoughts on strategy which guided my play (I’m interested to see how other more experienced players thought, and whether this was a good line of thinking for this situation):
1. No war = no need for military = no need for military tech
2. No need for military tech means the vast majority of the tech tree is unnecessary, meaning no need for research after a certain point
3. Since Taj Mahal provides a free golden age I set that as the final tech, and Printing Press provides +1 commerce (+1 culture with slider) so I decided to get that too, but looking back I’m thinking that printing press and paper might have been wasted beakers/culture-using-slider. In the end though, I’m pretty sure the commerce culture was affected by multipliers so this probably came out even or positive
4. PRIMARY STRATEGY: run slider as soon as possible, and get down multiplier buildings as soon as possible.
I finish playing about two weeks ago and didn’t start the write-up until today, but here is the history as far as I recall. From humble beginnings …
… the Russian advanced through Agriculture > Animal Husbandry > Wheel > Pottery > Bronze Working … and at this point I forgot the “no civics swap” condition and switched to slavery out of habit …
…As soon as I clicked the “yes” button I realized my mistake. I decided the proper course of action in this case was to simply reload the turn and decline the civics change.
T66 overview …
St. Petersburg
… About turn 70 I decide it’s about time to start looking for Marble in preparation for National Epic, Hermitage, and Taj Mahal. Since none of the AI had Marble I thought for sure I would find it down south in the ice wasteland, but no luck. By turn 90 I was getting desperate, because I had explored the whole southern region, I knew that if I did not find Marble soon it would be too late. I hadn’t yet explored the northern ice region, and because of the distance I did not think that I would have enough time to locate the marble and then send a settler to claim it, so I decided to send out a chariot/setter pair so that I could settle on the marble immediately, and bring along a worker to road to the nearest AI to get it into the trade network …
This is about 10 turns after I sent them off on the exploration mission
… Unfortunately it turned out that the map did not contain a single source or Marble, so after about 30 turns of wandering I disbanded them after revealing the entire continent (by this time I was wrapping up teching and preparing for full-culture so the extra city would have simply been an unnecessary drain wherever it was planted)
T104 overview, these six cities are the extent of my empire, which turned out to be a perfect number of cities as you’ll see in the future …
*Side note* Why doesn’t the AI settle 1-North??? A pigs and plains-hill are absolutely wasted in this position.
… On T148 I researched Nationalism and from this point on I ran 100% culture slider. Final technological achievements for the Russians … *picture is large*
I didn’t think to get an overview of the empire until two turns later, so T150 overview …
General Overview
St. Petersburg ***NOTE: I decided against building Sistine Chapel, which turned out to be a good decision because it was completed by an AI about 12 turns later.
… The three cities in the above spoiler I chose for my three culture centers. The single greatest mistake I made in the game is also pictured in the screenshot of Novgorod. I am ashamed to say that I committed a mistake that even the greenist of noobs wouldn’t make. I built the National Epic thinking that is was the Hermitage , and so put the national epic in a city that only had enough food to support a maximum of 3-1/2 specialists (alternating between 3-4 to avoid starvation).
The second greatest mistake I made was wanting to build the Hermitage in Novgorod in the first place. I chose (almost at random) St. Petersburg as the future site for my Great-Work culture-bombs, which led to me misplacing the Hermitage and Cathedrals in Novgorod. Since my strategy was to rely on commerce for culture I should have placed the multiplier buildings in the city with the greatest commerce. Since Novgorod had the National Epic misplaced already in it I was running specialist instead of working cottages. The base culture of Novgorod was about 30 less than St. Petersburg, and my multipliers were modifying the lower number.
From turn 150 onward the game was pretty much enter, enter, enter, enter … enter, enter, enter, etc.
T166 a great Engineer was born. At this time Taj Mahal was 2 turns to completion. I decided to fire the golden age immediately …
… This resulted in 24 turns of Golden Age, with commerce complete devoted to culture.
I mentioned above that 6 was the perfect number of cities. This is because each cathedral for each religion takes 3 of its respective temples. I had three religions (Hinduism, Taoism, Budhism) and with 6 cities I was able to build a cathedral for each religion in two of my three culture cities (the other city I was going to artist-bomb). I put one set of cathedrals in Moscow, and as noted above I misplaced the other set of cathedrals in Novgorod. ***I remember seeing someone comment in the Adventure 55 opening thread about the spiritual trait being completely negated, but because of the use of temples/cathedrals I think spiritual would still be at least as good in the long run as creative (which I chose)***
… enter, enter, enter … occasionally a Great Artist is born
This was my first ever attempt at a cultural victory, and I discovered that it’s not quite as straightforward as it sounds in an all-peace game. Through inefficiencies like the one above I ended up with and odd mis-balance of culture when my last Great Artist was born. By planning ahead I could probably have shaved off another 15-20 turns, but since I was just hitting enter every 3 seconds I did not trouble myself too much with the details. Moscow ended up with 10K extra culture, while in my other cities both Novgorod and St. Petersburg ended up about half a GA short each, with one GA to spare. If I had put the multiplier buildings (hermitage & cathedrals) in St. Pete it probably would have made up the difference through its superior base-culture. Oh, well. I just put the last GA in the limiting city and spent another 30 seconds ending the final 10 turns until the third city finally caught up.
Oh, one minor benefit of waiting the extra 10 turns is that my first (and only) city flipped by culture occurred in that period …
A final scare: With one turn left until victory, Roosevelt decides to try for religious victory. Fortunately Hatshepsut abstained, because her 95 votes would have been enough to pass the religious victory.
A final look at the three Legendary Culture cities
After a bit of a breather, I am looking forward to my next PBEM! Pitboss 5 is going along at it's slow and steady pace, and I've been thoroughly schooled in the last few pbems I've played solo, so I figure it's time for another lesson.
What I'm thinking of is 4 - 5, maybe 6 players. I know 6 can potentially bog a game down so only if there is interest & we can line up the schedules well enough should we go that high.
As for map, I'm looking for something along the lines of pbem17. Navies need to be important, but not the tiny islands we saw in pbem26. Am willing to go more towards the snaking land mass of pbem23 if people think ORG will be too over-balanced. Commodore has already chatted with me about this, and he sounds excited to do a map, something like pbem17, and I'm sure he will balance it well.
I'm considering leaving leader/civ/wonder bans up to the map-maker, and standard house rules of no WE/spy/nukes/tech trading as well. I'm completely open to diplo, although I think I would prefer AI-diplo. However, these things can definitely be hashed out when we find out who's playing and get an org thread going. First I want to see if there's even interest for another game at this point.
Looking for the game to start in 1-2 weeks, near the end of the month, so that will give plenty of time for discussion, sign-ups, and any pre-game strategy planning.
Nice to win a game as Byzantium, especially since when I was playing this I knew my demise as Byzantium was PB5.
But I still suck at reporting.
Played as Justinian, finished on T229.
So net of handicap, T211. Lack of Slavery was a PITA, took forever to expand properly. Cheap temples were awesome; I'm not sure if Spi was the right choice, but it worked out decently enough. Wish I had time to do a better report; this is the wrong week to do that, sorry.
(October 15th, 2012, 20:03)T-hawk Wrote: Yeah rego, I got that too. Try User CP - Edit Options to change that behavior at the option named "Default Thread Subscription Mode". It can be either don't subscribe, or subscribe with email notification (very noisy), or subscribe without email notification (my favorite since you can browse subscribed threads from the User CP.)
View First Unread Post
(October 13th, 2012, 14:45)novice Wrote: I thought I'd share this trick with you as I couldn't find this function at first. It's the equivalent of the old "View first unread post" link at the top of a thread.