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Whatstone Huh? - Mission Progression: Bloodstone Fen
Wyrm - 25 Jun 2007

"Looks kinda barren for a Jungle," said Angela.

"We're not in the actual jungle yet," said Buffy. "These are the dry lands between Kryta and the deep, dark jungles of Maguuma."

"That doesn't make sense."

"Well, it doesn't have to. Just accept it and let's move on."

"About that..."


"On our way here I heard about some goings on in Cantha."


"I want to go check them out."

"What? We're right in the middle of this."

"Yeah, but still, the festivities look really interesting. And it'll be a chance to meet some Canthans."

"Uh, if you say so."

And thus, Angela hitched her way back to Lion's Arch, where she took a ferry over to Cantha. It would be a while before she rejoined the party. The rest of the team moved on, although they were worried that being short a member would hamper them more than they would be able to compensate for. These fears wound up being for naught, as they were able to connect with a mesmer that was looking to cross Maguuma in search of... something...

"Hello," said the mesmer.

"Hi," said Stargazer.

"Hey," said Sanskirt.

"You guys are heading into Maguuma, right?" said the mesmer.

"Yeah, we're helping out a fellow Mantler," said Arty.

"Do you mind if I join you? I have business in the deep areas of Maguuma," said the mesmer.

"Not dressed like that you aren't," said Arty.

"What do you mean?" said the mesmer.

"Strip," said Vex.

"Excuse me?" said the mesmer.

"You heard me," said Vex.

"We don't believe in armor," said Arty. "And if you want to travel with us you'll have to play by our rules."

"Well, all right..." said the mesmer.

"By the way," said Stargazer, "what's your name?"

"Renebelle," said the mesmer.

"Welcome aboard," said Buffy.

"Yes, welcome to the asylum," said Arty.

Now that everyone had been introduced, it was time for them to get moving. Meeting up with Justicar Thommis, who they agreed to help find retribution for his lost brother, they soon learned that the Chosen they had brought to Loamhurst had been escorted to Maguuma and the band escorting them had been ambushed. As chance would have it, the people Thommis wanted revenge against were also the people that had kidnapped the Chosen, which simplified things for the group. Their new friend, Renebelle, had adjusted herself fairly well to the lack of clothing, both in and out of combat. Truth be told, as a mesmer, she had been practically unclothed anyway.

The group they were after was called the Shining Blade. Thommis had sent his scouts after them, but they had been unsuccessful at catching them, thus the burden of bringing the Shining Blade to justice had fallen on the shoulders of the team of disrobed heroes. They were used to it by now. After meeting with several of Thommis's scouts and tracking the Shining Blade, they finally caught a glimpse of them running deep into the wilds of the jungle. They now sped up their pursuit and tried to catch them before they made it too far into the jungle, but were unsuccessful. It seemed as though the Shining Blade had the creatures, even the very plants of the jungle, aiding their escape; at least it seemed that way.

With the plant life and creatures of the jungle constantly attacking them, the team found the battles to be harder fought than they originally had anticipated, and they were having a harder go of things as the humidity was slowing them down. Fighting in the dry cold of the Shiverpeaks seemed like it would have been easier than fighting in these muggy conditions. By the time they were once again able to catch a glimpse of the Shining Blade, they were mostly worn out and in need of rest. This was not to be, unfortunately, as they had to press on or risk losing the chase all together.

Time moved on slowly as the humid conditions were slowly getting to them. Fortunately, they were able to find some comfort in the lakes and rivers of the jungle, which seemed to have a restorative power on them. Passing as much time as they could in these waters made the trek seem just a bit easier, and indeed vitalized them so they could continue on with a bit less care. Sanskirt was at the front, as usual, leading them onwards at a rapid pace. While the rest of the team would have preferred moving a bit slower to help keep them relaxed, they knew Sanskirt wouldn't slow down and that meant if they moved slower they would be down another member of their team, which they didn't want to happen. So they dredged onwards, being pulled along by Sanskirt.

Finally, after what seemed like an eon, they caught up with the Chosen. Sort of. Really, they caught up with a bunch of spiders that had wrapped the Chosen in cocoons. They had also finally caught up with the Shining Blade. Sort of. Really, the Shining Blade were trying to figure out how to get the Chosen back from the spiders. Confused more than ever, the group tried to figure out what was going on.

"Hey, you!" said Sanskirt to the Shining Blade. "Stop feeding our Chosen to the spiders!"

"We're not feeding them to the spiders," said one of the Shining Blade. "Open your eyes! We're trying to save them!"

"Save them?" said Sanskirt. "You're the ones that kidnapped them in the first place!"

"Kidnapped? No, we rescued them," said the same Shining Blade member.

"Right, sure," said Sanskirt.

"Look, we can argue semantics all day, but in the meantime you need to help us destroy the spiders if you want the Chosen to live to tomorrow," said the Shining Blade spokesperson.

Unfortunately, they were right, and the team would have to give aid to them in order to save the Chosen as there were a lot of spiders around. Fortunately, by this time the team had figured out how to deal with the spiders fairly easily and so wasted no time in dispatching them. As soon as the fight was over, the team confronted the Shining Blade only to find themselves surrounded.

"Well, this isn't good," said Buffy.

"I'm not worried," said Arty. "Just let me drop a few meteors on their heads and they'll get out of our way."

"You don't seem like typical Mantle," said the same Shining Blade person from before.

"We're only Mantle by chance," said Arty. "We saved some old guy from some dead guys and the next thing we know we're inducted."

"That explains it then," said their Shining Blade representative.

"Explains what?" said Arty.

"Why you risked your lives to save the Chosen."

"Excuse me?"



"Follow me, I have something to show you."

"Evennia, no!" said another member of the Shining Blade.

"Quiet, Markis," said the same Shining Blade from before, apparently named Evennia. "I don't think these people have a clue what the Mantle are doing here, otherwise they wouldn't have been so gung-ho about chasing us."

"What's that supposed to mean?" said Arty.

"You'll see."

"See what?"

"It's right over this way."

"What is?"

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- The adventures begin
- Welcome back, Nudists
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- Is that a Piken in your hand
- Ranik panik
- Onward and Coldward
- And away we go!
- Borlis Bound
- Frost Gate, Silence Gate
- Out of the Freezer
- The 20 mile walk
- Chip on their shoulder
- Divinity Roast
The Wilds are... wild
- Whatstone Huh?
- The Demagogue Parade
- Zippy Glade
- Riverside Reunion
- Tiptoe through the Tulips
- Die Sanctum, Die
- Sandcastles in the Desert


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