for War Progression: * Quests: The Iron Truth; Trial by Fire; War
Preparations (Ghost Reconnaissance); War Preparations (Recruit Training); War
Preparations (Wind and Water); The Time is Nigh Wyrm - 29 Jun 2007
When it came time for us to confront Jerek about what we had done, Tahlkora
had disappeared. That little coward. We spoke to Jerek and he didn't take too
kindly to our killing Kahyet. He decided the best course of action was to put
us on trial, each of us by ourselves. First, though, he said we had to get some
sort of defense for ourselves, which meant finding Ironfist and making him talk.
Shouldn't he be helping us with our defense? I'm beginning to see why Kormir was
picked to be Spearmarshal instead of him. The
trial goes easily enough. Dunkoro and Ironfist prove our case. Melonni and Koss,
on the other hand, don't do much in the way of providing support. Tahlkora is
still missing for whatever reason. We're each cleared of our charges and Morgahn,
the Kournan general and prosecutor doesn't seem so happy about that. He gets even
less happy when Kormir shows up and starts yelling at everybody. Tahlkora is with
her. That little doofus. It
becomes rather obvious that we're going to war with Kourna now. Kormir is convinced
they're the ones bringing forth the demons and has a lot of additional troops
from Cantha and Tyria with her to help us bring an end to Nightfall. Morgahn leaves
in a hurry. Before
the war can start, Kormir has some stuff for us to do. First, we have to make
sure some new recruits don't kill themselves training for battle. Then we have
to go help some sailors perform one of their rituals so they'll feel safe piloting
boats into a war zone. Right, like that helps. Apparently, getting the blessing
of Dwayna for the trip means beating up a bunch of water djinn. Which is where
we come in. Easy enough. The
final task is the one that I like the least. We have to go into Lahtenda Bog,
that swamp-like place where we killed Kahyet, and visit some dead sunspears. I
really don't like the walking dead. We take care of that one as quickly as possible.
However, while we're in there, we stumble across some traders that are willing
to provide us with new armor in exchange for some war trophies. What they do with
the trophies I have no idea, but it's a good chance to get some better armor which
should help out quite a bit during the war. Kali needs new armor anyway, hers
is getting torn in a few places and it's starting to get distracting. With
the dead people and Kormir's tasks behind us, we head back to Kamadan to get ready
for the attack to begin. Devahd tells us she's on Churrhir fields speaking to
the troops. She seems pretty motivated to go to war. We let her finish her speech
and then go tell her everything is ready. All we have to do now is go get Elder
Suhl to give us his, along with the Consulate's, support. We go to the Consulate
and make our case to the Elder. He agrees to help us. In a few moments we'll be
heading to war. Things are about to get fun. 