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Voices in the Wilderness
  Bad to Worse
* Missions: Dasha Vestibule, Grand Court of Sebelkeh
* Quests: Pledge of the Merchant Princes; Attack at the Kodash; Heart or Mind: Garden in Danger; Heart or Mind: Ronjok in Danger

Wyrm - 02 Jul 2007

We enter the hidden city and things seem quiet enough. Goren urges us along and before we really get anywhere, we set off the alarm and are attacked by djinn. This is going to be painful. Especially the Ruby Djinn. To add insult to injury, in order to get to the princes we have to first pass several tests. The first one is about perseverance, making us fight guardians that slow us down and make us weaker. We do prevail, however, and prepare for the next trial. One of the djinn we fight drops a key to a chest and Margrid insists we bring it along, even though it doesn't work in the chest nearby.

The next trial is a test of knowledge and, is easier than the first. All we have to do is answer a bunch of questions about the gods. We let Zayisha take care of that since she seems to be the braniac of the group. Another of the djinn we fight drops a key, only this time this one works on the chest we find in the area. It's a treasure of Ahdashim, which Margrid takes for herself. Well, she is a corsair. We head to the third trial, which is a trial of... math? Along the way, Jenova forgets to watch where he's going and steps through a trap. It's not much, it just freezes him in his tracks for a few seconds. In any case, we have to fight more guardians. These just seem to be normal foes until they knock Ginger, Jenova, and Wirr down to the ground for a few seconds and hit for a pretty large amount of damage, which, fortunately, isn't fatal.

With the guardians out of the way we do our little math quiz and are about to head to the central chamber when Margrid spots another treasure chest. Oh boy. As it turns out, the key we found earlier opens this chest, which means the key we got her might just open that one. I'm not really sure why we're doing this though since Margrid is the one getting all the treasure. Not that treasure interests the rest of us, but it just seems awkward to get all this stuff just for one person to hog it all. Well, whatever.

We head back to the central chamber and, sure enough, Margrid gets her last piece of treasure. Jenova walks through another trap. It's nothing too bad, he just gets burned to a crisp. He really needs to watch where he's going a bit more. We think we're done with the tests and we're right, but unfortunately, there's still an obstacle in our path. That obstacle happens to be the three djinn leaders. Oh, this is going to hurt. And it does. The Ruby Djinn boss nearly wipes us out on its own before we can defeat it. Needless to say we use up just about every res sig we have. The other two bosses are nothing compared to this guy and, once through them, we run into the princes.

Bokka and Mehtu still seem to feel safe in Ahdashim, despite the fact that we just busted our way through all their traps. That feeling of safety disappates when more tentacles erupt from the ground and we inform the princes that Nightfall has come. That gets them singing a different tune. They tell us they have to go do some thinking, but will send word to us before long. We're used to how these princes work by now, so we don't bother arguing with them any longer.

It's not long before we receive word that they're waiting for us in Mehtu's library, so we head there. As it turns out, these princes do have something useful to offer us in the way of assistance. They've got a lot of writings on the subject of Nightfall and are able to predict what Varesh's next move will be, which really does help us out a lot. With that taken care of, we prepare to head to the Sebelkeh Basilica, which is right near where Kehanni's head priest friend is. As we're leaving, one of Kehanni's messengers shows up in a hurry, being chased by Margonites. We destroy the demons and ask the messenger what's going on. She tells us something big is happening at Sebelkeh, which means we need to head there in a hurry.

We arrive at Sebelkeh and find none other than Morgahn, Varesh's general, waiting for us. We prepare for a fight, but then he asks us to stay our weapons, since he's come on a mission of peace. It's a little late for that, but whatever. He claims to have been deceived by Varesh and her claims of righteousness. Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees... Well, whatever. He's decided to help make up for it but we've got more important things to take care of, like stopping Nightfall.

We head into the court at Sebelkeh and see quite a few Margonites guarding rift formations. They're trying to take over the central altar to open a rift there as well, but we have to stop that or all is lost. Once we've dealt with the Margonites we head to one of the rifts to close it. We destroy the Margonites and are about to seal the rift when we spot a ghost-like figure moving to the central altar. This must be the great demon that Vahmani told us about. We attack him and he dies before we really get started. That's it? That's not it. When he dies several orbs of energy spawn and start attacking us. These things hurt. A lot. I mean a real lot. More than anything we've fought before, even that Ruby Djinn boss. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. We have to use several sigs before they're destroyed.

With them out of the way, we figure we're safe once again so we destroy more Margonites and start to seal another rift when the demon shows up again. Didn't we kill him already? This could really get painful. We destroy the demon and his energy orbs again, using a few more sigs. Unfortunately, these enemies seem to ignore Ginger, who has the most durability out of any of us, and go straight for Kali, who has the least durability. It must be the armor, but for a different reason than usual. We're having a hard time keeping Kali on her feet so we know we have to end this soon. There's only 1 rift left, so we force our way into it and attack the Margonites. The demon appears again but we ignore it while we work on sealing the rift. Once the rift is closed we take out the demon one last time. This time he's not coming back.

With that crisis averted, we run into Morgahn once again. He says he wants to help us stop Nightfall in order to atone for what he's done. This seems agreeable enough, so we let him join us. Unfortunately, greetings will have to wait as Koss and Melonni show up and tell us that the Kodash Bazaar is being attacked by Margonites and we have to do something about it. Well, ok. We head to the Kodash where the demons are appearing and see several djinn. We're about to get really nervous about having to fight them again when we're told they are here to help us fight the Margonites. Phew. Margonites start attacking and the djinn do their thing as we do ours. Ruby djinn are really handy in a fight and it's good to be fighting near them without having to fight against them for a change.

The attack is thwarted easily and we have nothing to worry about anymore, or so we'd like to think. Melonni is having dreams of her home village being attacked back in Kourna, but we know for a fact that the gardens of Seborhin are being destroyed by demons. Neither choice is very appealing so we decide to check out the garden first, since it's closer. When we get there demons are everywhere, but the place has been evacuated so there's no immediate threat. We just have to go in and wipe them out. We decide that we can save that for later so we head all the way back to Kourna to see about Melonni's dream.

When we get there the place is fine and there are no demons in sight. It's starting to seem as though this is a waste of time, but Melonni starts running around franticly, making us chase after her. Her fears turn out to be warranted though, when we run into one of Melonni's mentors, Hahla. She's screaming something about Torment Demons and as we approach her, monsters the likes of which we've never seen before show up. These foul demons reek of death and fight more viciously than any others we've encountered so far. To make matters worse, once they get close to death they will summon more of their comrades to the battle, which means fighting them can be endless if we don't finish them off quickly.

After we manage to destroy these demons, Hahla tells us that Melonni's dreams were premonitions of what is about to happen. With that in mind, we head to Ronjok and prepare for the incoming assault.

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  Voices In The Wilderness

 - The Journey Begins

 - LoL brigade makes friends
 - Grave Digging
 - Twisting Fate
 - Preparing for War
 - Take that, Kourna!
 - Restoring the Sunspears
 - Backwards and Forwards
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 - Reaching Vabbi
 - The Gilded World of Vabbi
 - Downhill Slide
 - Bad to Worse
 - The Turning Tide
 - Garden Nightmare
 - The Lesser of Two Evils
 - Turning the Tables
 - Into the Darkness
 Finishing What We've Started



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