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Voices in the Wilderness

Restoring the Sunspears
* Quest: And a Hero Shall Lead Them

Wyrm - 30 Jun 2007

Lonai says that now that Kormir has been kerschnitzled the sunspears are going to need a new leader. And everyone wants that leader to be me. At least, I thought that's what he said. When I get back to the others I find out they had similar experiences. I'm not really sure what's going on or why they would ask all of us to be the leader when they only need one person. In any case, I'll just chock that one up to bureaucracy and leave it at that.

In any case, this sanctuary of ours needs some spiffying up, so we decide to have a go at recruiting some of the local merchants and craftsmen to work for us, even though it's not something that's being asked of us. Dunkoro has a few ideas but says that first we should rescue a group of sunspears Nerashi located. Easy enough, the Kournans guarding them are lazy and easy prey. With that done we head back to Dunkoro, who Ginger has taken to calling Dunkeroo. She's a strange woman. At least we don't have to burn as many res sigs on her as we used to.

Dunkoro tells us our next goal should be to interrogate some Kournan military prisoner we've got locked up. Well, ok, I guess we do look a little intimidating. The prisoner has already been broken by Nerashi so all we have to do is ask simple questions to get our answers. Nerashi sure gets around, I wonder if they asked her to be a sunspear leader too. The prisoner tells us about a bunch of prisoners the Kournans have and are marching someplace. We decide to intervene and rescue the Kournan prisoners. They're less than grateful, but they figure between us and the Kournans we're the better option. Whatever, that's more locals to supplement our base numbers.

Somewhat tired of rescuing prisoners, we go back to Dunkoro to see what we can do in the way of not rescuing people. He tells us about a scholar and his sons that want to help us, they just need someone to go fetch them. Sounds simple enough. Wirr is starting to refer to Dunkoro as Dunkeroo. It's pretty amusing. We go meet these people and listen to the old man blab on about something. He's still talking when a Kournan patrol shows up. We beat them up and escort everyone back to our sanctuary. The old man is still talking.

With the base now properly populated, we decide it's time for us to get back to our primary duties. Rescuing prisoners. Whatever. Koss decides to tag along. We head out. The prisoners are easy to locate, not quite so easy to rescue. The Kournans set up traps that really kinda hurt. Ginger and Wirr both need a few sigs. Zayisha isn't really paying attention and puts spirits up way far away from where we're fighting. Kali makes the Kournans run away by blasting them with a ton of fire. For some reason they come back so we just kill them before they can run away again. Now, we just have to get the wounded to safety. So we take them to a graveyard. Just in case.

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  Voices In The Wilderness

 - The Journey Begins

 - LoL brigade makes friends
 - Grave Digging
 - Twisting Fate
 - Preparing for War
 - Take that, Kourna!
 - Restoring the Sunspears
 - Backwards and Forwards
 - New Allies
 - Reaching Vabbi
 - The Gilded World of Vabbi
 - Downhill Slide
 - Bad to Worse
 - The Turning Tide
 - Garden Nightmare
 - The Lesser of Two Evils
 - Turning the Tables
 - Into the Darkness
 Finishing What We've Started



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