Downhill Slide
Progression: *
Quests: All's Well That Ends Well; Warning Kehanni; Calling the Order; Greed and
Regret * Mission: Dzagonur Bastion Wyrm
- 02 Jul 2007I
have a really big headache this morning and when I find the others we find out
none of us had any luck corralling the support of the princes, so we're no better
off than we were yesterday. Although... apparently Kali has been invited to Bokka's
amphitheater for a private performance. I guess the armor works. After
a while, and a brief visit to Kehanni, we find ourselves at Resplendent Makuun.
And I thought the Kodash was obtrusive... Bokka is somewhat disappointed that
Kali brought all her friends with her, but he'll just have to deal with it. We
sit down to watch a play that's rather boring, but I do like the part where the
prince gets killed. Unfortunately, it's all downhill after that as the actors
quibble with themselves for a minute, then start attacking us. Actors attacking...
that seems somehow familiar. In any case, they're rather pathetic fighters and
we wipe the floor with them. Bokka panics and runs away. So much for his support. Afterwards,
we need to go find Kehanni and let her know what's happened. When we find her,
she's under attack by a bunch of Margonites. That's not good. Fortunately, we've
had enough experience fighting them in the small bands they have roaming the countryside
that we've figured out their weaknesses and which to attack first, so they're
not so much of a problem anymore. With them out of the way, and Kehanni safe again,
it seems clear that Varesh is about to make her move. That's not good. We see
the head priest, Vahmani, to see what can be done. He says that the princes should
be more willing to lend a hand now and that we just need to find them. Finding
Ahmtur should be easy, since he's not a coward and will be standing guard in his
citadel. The other two princes are hiding away in the hidden city of Ahdashim.
Well, we know where to find Ahmtur, so we might as well try and track down the
other two first. We head to Mehtu's library with Margrid, hoping she'll be able
to figure out some clues as to the location of the hidden city. Instead we find
Bokka's bodyguard, Goren, standing around. He's standing around unsure of what
to do next. Ginger and Wirr feel sorry for him. Margrid spots a book she wants
to look through. When she picks it up a bunch of djinn show up and we have to
fight them. Booby-trapped books, what's next? Goren
tells us he'll take us to the hidden city if we bring him along. That works out
fine for us. On our way there, however, we get an urgent message from Whispers.
Margonites have been spotted attacking en masse. We need to go stop them, the
princes have their djinn to protect them for now. We leave Goren in the Mirror
of Lyss as we head to the Chantry to stop the attack, arriving just in time. Unfortunately,
we have another problem. Rifts have begun appearing outside the Dzagonur Bastion
where Ahmtur has his citadel. This, too, is a bit more immediate of a problem
than finding the cowardly princes, so we head there to strengthen the defenses. The
battle is already underway when we arrive. The heavy defenses of the citadel are
impressive, but the Margonites and Kournans are relentless. After briefly issuing
orders for the troops that are there already to guard one side, we begin attacking
the others. Enemies are everywhere, but these are mostly just fodder. And then
the Margonite generals show up. Things get a little chaotic after that as the
enemies charging at us are no longer fodder but waves of Margonites, and the generals
have opened rifts to summon more Margonites to the assault. We wind up running
back and forth fighting the incoming waves. Well, most of us do anyway, Ginger,
Jenova, and Wirr sort of just stay in one place and we lure enemies over to them.
That seems to work out well. Whispers
is fighting with us and has been summoning his own small army of walking dead.
I really don't like the walking dead, but in this case they're useful. After several
waves of Margonites, we have a brief pause as more are being summoned. We take
this opportunity to strike at one of the generals and succeed in killing him.
When he dies, the rift he had been using to summon demons closes. After this,
the battle becomes easier, but we still have to hurry as the forces on the other
side are slowly diminishing. We
find that now that one rift has been closed and the waves aren't as spread out
as they were, we are able to intercept them without retreating. This allows us
to attack the waves and one of the generals at the same time. With the second
general dead we think we're in good shape, but the forces we left guarding the
East wall are starting to crumble, so we have to help them fight back a wave of
enemies before moving on. This is fine though, because we are close enough to
their forces now that we have no trouble getting to them when they need our help.
We only have two generals left to defeat anyway, so the fighting is becoming lighter
as the Margonite forces aren't able to be replenished en masse as before. With
the last of the generals dead and all of the rifts closed, we take a moment to
survey the damage, only to see that all of the citadel defenses are still fully
intact and functional. That is good. We go back to the citadel itself to speak
with Ahmtur and, as we are doing so, giant tentacles erupt from the ground. So,
Nightfall has begun. We decide we had better go rescue the other princes now,
so we go back to the Mirror of Lyss and find Goren right where we left him. He
takes us to where the entrance is and says that in order to enter the city all
we need to do is dance. He's got to be kidding. Ginger starts laughing uncontrollably.
So does Wirr. And Kali. And Zayisha. And Jenova. And me. A sort of ghost-like
djinn thing shows up and says our dancing is poor, but it will let us in anyway.
Now, to go find those princes.

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